j Theiiicxt.day I visited the Xfaeb, ,a®d took an opportunity to relate
the adventure of the preceding day. He seemed pleased with opr
account, shewing, as indeed he had. frequently done before, jffiüch
.solicitude for our entertainment; but 1 could plainly perceive that he
did not altogether, approve of our being abroad after it was dfoki he
talked of wild beasts and evil geni.i; and cautioned us against A repe-
.titipn.;pf walks so long and late. I could not but esteem tike advice
considerate and prudent; for though no danger immediately presented
■ itself, yet a stranger has always, perhaps, something :fo apprehend in
a foreign country, from the inherent prejudices of tteip^asanfcry,
amongst whom, a natural contempt and enmity uniretsaHy prevails
against .those of a different nation from themselves, and -which ,%-JnngL
course of time is necessary, completely to remove.
Mr. SaunderSj- unfortunately, a few days after, was taken e#repmty
ill, and for some time confined by a severe fever. The ,R^ja expressed
to me great uneasiness at his sickness, and manifested a sincere concern
for his recovery; nor did he omit diffusely to enlarge upon #e; imminent
danger, of too curiously examining unfrequented woods and solitary
places, the favourite haunts, of evil genii..folding me, at the same
time, that the influence of a very powerful Dewta prevailed oyer the
mountain we had ascended, and, of course, concluding that we had
been subject fo his spells. This opinion gained ground with all our
servants; for there is not a Mussulman, or Hindoo, who does not
as heartily subscribe to the doctrine of dsemonology, as to the most
orthodox tenet of his faith. The Raja ordered solemn recantations to
be commenced without delay : a priest accordingly came to our
nouse, ^rform^^HM^cerefoonies abbw a”'cauldron of fire, prayed
Suhdantly, and, qavmg R eived the reward of his labours, departed,
well satisfied with the part he had acted.' From hence I ccme&ted, that
ihere were chatms suited to the pfiestsj as^ffas'daemons of Bootan;
and "that there is hardly an £vir under heWen, for which gold, pro-
perlyappfie'dj^awjproduce- an effectual retnedy. However, it was
not W g before^Mr. Saundefo’s'!fever%)bK a favourable turn, and we
had1 tbffpleisuYe shortly afier to see^him perfectly recover.