extremely .useful-as beasts of burden; for they are .strong* sure footed,
and:xa*Sy,*axgieat weight. Tents and rope^are manufactured of their
hair, and amongst the humbler, rariks of herdsmen, I,have seen caps
and jackets made of itheir7skins. Their tails arg;esteemed throughout
the East, as faras luxury, ox parade -have any influence on th§ manners
of the people; and on the continent of India they are found, under the
denomination of Chowries, in the hands of the jneancst gropipsj.as well
as occasionally in those of the first minister of state. They are in universal
use for driving away winged insects, flies and musquitoes, and
are employed as ornamental furniture upon horses andaelephaiits: ^.yet
the best -requital, with wliich the care of Itheir keepers us - at length
rewarded, for selecting them good pastures, is in the abundant quantity
of riclr iniHc.which they give, and the butter produced from it, jyhieh
is most excellent. It is their custom to preserve this in skins, or bladders;
and thé air being thus excluded from it, it will keep, in this cold
climate throughout,the year; so that, after some time tending their
herds, when a sufficient store is accumulated, it remains only to, load
their cattle, and drive them to a proper market with their owpitoduce,
which constitutes, to the utmost verge of Tartary, a most materia]
article of merchandise.
I had the satisfaction to send two of this species to Mr. Hastings'
after he left India, and to hear that one reached England alive. This,
which was a bull, remained for some time after he landed in a torpid
languid state, till his constitution had'in some degree assimilated with
the climate, when lie recovered at once both his health and vigour.
He afterwards became the father of many calves, which all died
#i&®'dfeS^epXbdu%mg$i-'excepTi terfli"a>coW? >w hM idlu.calf^bydbn1»
nection witA'an Indian *bpll*bft.
^pThotrgh > natufallyinphtiMradtaljlfe 1 the
impatient andi injudicious .treatment?' o^i^fii^atfendan¥^'pilll!|i^'ta ‘ 1'orig
'tj^age^ititonib&stot©dangerous ttufuiler th$f|nl&T?d iang§ at liberty
abroad. ^ffl'^had^^alf tiniest Be“® “dbslrWdMt#'fi^ ar- a- mark-ccl3'ho‘‘ftJlirry
tow aidsdioisesand, from tlio i /<x klc/ntalf afi ?0n (s lattec/wf • $ hsoo'kcd
nail’s remaining m Ins'hOin, after*the*,knob which it liad'fistcnui, had
been-rubbed off] heUxafl^sncd bd’o if^
mg.to Mi. Hastings, which had the langc of'uho sanietSp(ls'tuicAsith
Mmy:akdjllacexUting. the entrails, obestiion'ed' Mis- de&.tii. ^After-rujiiss,
to prevent further accidents, he was kept ^bnie^within a( sectire
enclosure..’? j
An Errgraving^of this Bull*3 f?oi}$ #piet'rfre! in th^’ff&'s^SSsidn-of'Mr.
Hastings,''painted from the life'by StuBb*?,1' i^-'&in'cl&’d : The ll?uds<’ape
was taken from a-'sciefefehsn the frontier’ of Bb o irsf -By- 4Mf,
Our road this day lay at no great-distaM§lfrorn*thc river, whiclrfbll«!'
all the way, recoiling over its rocky'bed aMpchfc(?f' cathratlf^'fiYs'spmy^
filling the atmosphere with vapour, and rendering - it*- extV^m^Iy^efflR
This region was crowded with v^etatioiiV thej dfS^lfidg* <^f daufp,faiM
obscurity. Among# the of th#^re^>ft61Iie'£ nia'de ffie^ntest
eohispicudus show, and well accorded .with the dark ;ahd.' dismal aspect-,
of the surrounding "objects. I never enWiititered £ dedpd^glten tfife
rivet was' seldofli'visibfe, but- its ‘ hoarseJfr5Sx"’was1' ever^p^frerefib'^Bfe
heard. -On each? sldei towered-ateep^and-’llfeggefl' i?0cksj'whoro1'fia^n
summits shut out- the* rays of the sun during every! hour of theJ da^,