which, to theirutter astonishment; the skater won the- race.
But, however" the -recollection of- this feat might lessen-the .admiration
of some, the majority of our party hart never seen this mode of moving
upon 'the ice before; and most certainly* Mr. • Saunders and myself
enjoyed the distinction of having been the first of our nation, that ever
.signalized themselves by skating in Tibet, or, perhaps, in , the vfhole
circuit of the globe, in the parallel of twenty-seven and twenty-eight
degrees of northern latitude.
We thought it sufficiently early, on Wednesday, the 3d.of.E)ec^inr
ber, tocommence travelling, at nine-fo’clock. The air was, keen,
and it had frozen hard during the night. :Our road inclined
west, and here branched off from that, which ied. immediately, to
Bengal. We had proceeded but a short distance, when-we, entered,a
narrow defile, passing through, which, we found bare and lofty hills,
without a single tree, or even any vestige pf vegetaf«p<y%ible upon
them. In some divisions among these lulls, were seen ftps of water?
or torrents, arrested by the frost, and converted into fixed columns, of
solid ice,of various forms and size, immoveably stationed till the return
of spring. A small stream of water had flowed between these
hills, immediately by the road side; but that also was fixed, I was
informed, until they should experience warmer weather.
We continued to advance through this narrow valley, until we
»m s to the foot of the hill, upon the summit of which was situated
Terpaling, ten miles from Tsondeu: we then turned short to our
right. The road was of steep ascent, and it was about noon when we
entered the gates of the monastery, which not long since had been
erected <&jf!i|h.e' reception? ahdji&ecom®|todaitinn~< ofiTjeshod» I^ama'. He
resjdeS(»B2^a*-palac©i ofi the (mpjfesterywhipM’ occupies;
about & mile-ofligsound in cAc^mfegenc;n;>andftlie<<w4p»l£lis enco'm-t
passed b\ a will .The scvual»buildiHos<sc^d.fottIlkei accommodation,
of.three butidred (SylatBgsy appomtem£o^p^form.ieligiou!sl.s&vtoeswi:th
Ttesl^^i^0f»iiuntil'!}ilefishail(slie,'iomo\xd'te thd moiia'ster.y,. andtMus-
nud ofj rosh«o»Loombob. ft- is.unusual lo'iAaku.vii>iisftifliGioIitaj!ois
i nv-Bootan,tej*t; the. day ofr-arriv^I; viei ! only
receiving and sending, messages of compliment.
On tfier-moming toftTuesday',’ thet4'th>bf'©^eniberv ‘Ij^agis all'fwdwfb'5
vi^itsTeshoo Lama, and 'found him} plated',5-iri*gfeilf? formVuponfiHi#
Musniid; on1 the left side stood histfa-fchekapd fn.olhi. r ; BofjJthyotlfti?
the officer particularly: appointed tb' iwkite upon fiis^p'dtsoh'5* The-
Musnud is a labiic of silk chshiorj^p pledfidicr upon* the “otherf?until'
the seat is elevated to Ithe^ hbightiroEifbfi^jS&flld'Hg the? mcraf;| ar
pieeer of embroidered silk.- coveied! and; the, sides'-also'-Werel
Hsclilkted with pidees0 ofi ofi,'Va<fi'6ussfcoil®'u^7' suspendedsfroaft
die upper edge, andtfluuiging, down. Atuthavp%lifefiiaih?etpte!ir of
Teshoo Lama’s father, Mr. Saunders «"arid? 'niy sel Jpwoffls) th^MnglMf
I advanced, and,vavthwcustom?-issfpre^tedfarwBitb1spelongjsca<r^
and delivered-also into thet Lama’s hands; tfee,GoverrioF.(j?erfetal!& jfrek
sent of a string of pearls, and? c’orak* while, the- other tling's'wereaseu
down- before him. Having performed "Ihe^Geremshy^of exchanging!
scarfs with his father and mother, wC- took ib r ‘seats' off-tneSMght hand
of Teshoo Lama. -