21 à T il.» * : T .
comprehended in the samewiew,1 heightened the effect. The snow had
assumed ten thousand varying folds; and dissimilar fort&s, in falling
PpOfi the Woks ; nor could'the finest imagination, diipetihg the pencil
of tho most skilful painter, possiblyexpress the sublime beauty-that
characterised the drapery, which this pure light substance had spread
over their craggy tops. It was a glorious day ; not a vapouruobsctired
the air; or obstructed the view, to the edge of the „horizon all around :
thé sun was not yet so high* as to have totally withdr&wiptb# Shadows;,
thrown by its oblique rays from; one mountain on vthe: other; ht^lt
imparted to every hi 11, all the advantage» that a prospect cbuld deiiyig*
from the happiest combination of light and shade.
We Ascended from thiy plain, , upon the;diyi»bed>eS3ïidAgedifie'...
The. ‘ancient banks, ofnearly the same acclivity and height, were dearly
to be traced all around. ; On the eastern siit&fiit-gave rise to a brook,
whose clearness betrayed, numberless shoals, of small fish
near its bottom, as it hurried over a gravelly bed, to . join;another
stream a little farther off. They formed together no. inconsiderable
river, which, enlarging as it went along, shaped i ts 'Course near our
road all the way, and fell at length near Teshoo Loomboo, inïfr iÖké
•On the banks that bordered this low ground, which I .conclude to
have been at some time covered with water, were a.vast number of
pebbles and loose stones, that bore evident-, signs .of having been rolled
and rounded by the action of water. We encamped ondts borders,
near the village Sumdta, fourteen miles from Ohaloo, within a stone
inclostire, similar to the walls erected in the hilly parts of England, for
the same purpose!,' :l^,eai.*oiKitents»wpe(iaifew,t'i;ee,s-,;y'illows I b el^e,
whichwere^ thi'. fiiist4we.*hra,d»pe|pK^^PtTi|tliS‘ •
been mistaken,foi; talkweeds. rippled
.over, a,gpbbiy-bdttomr,-clp^et,4b^; it ferR uoed,niq^^^
deepest parts,^which, were easilv^akefe-tand-A^fipr^dB ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fiSll
lent :)#sh»4>r->di^pSti j
A.rrt^ .y ^ g p . ,by no means makes^a hppdsomgj,figure,
s apt’s, house is.of^a5i,mean CQnptjuctjpg^ ipp^»
shape and.si/e, more exactly ^lap^any. things tc^li^ch^kea^/qir^
paretit. It is built of rough stouc^^taped ithopl*
Ggmept, j andy,/>n account, of„thei sj^rpng
hern,, it has never more than three or four small apertures to admit
light. ,/iThef^oof is a flat tei^af^^^gui^ied . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i l l i t j y o
br-,three feet high;,’ on this, are coipip,oplyA,pVacc(l.tul^P.Uj^s^ sU ^s.
intended „to support a small flag„Qpth^b^y h ;ls a
fastening far a lopgt^ine^with.^^ps^py-pcr, in r ig, ^ujjg
.U p^it likp thpall ofakite; this bang ;
another, is a charm against, evil.,.geniip|l ipfallihfe<j^ f^effica^y| as
horse shoes nafled upon a, threshold, o^as.sti^w^^thro^nj f ^ s ^ h e
.path of a.reputed witch.
This was a bleak looking place, a^cl there Was, hardly the j l | | | g
ance of anything animated about it., Being(ind^]1er|tlyglj|go8^;*|!nd
prompted merely by. curiosity, I ..strolled alone among the houses;
and, seeing every .thing still and quiet, I turned into one of.:|fee-,s|one
enclosures, which serve as folds for cattle. The instant I entered the
gate, to my astonishment, up started a huge dog, big enough, if his