spring, abounds glddaesi^n^t^iiiPrfse to ip G®4
thaj tlfeaatar .o&Yftur, fortune is in§ itojafcolhauhiappinjess
anfliease^ait the surreunflmtl a^etodspts (atfa^|sflf£nd
fettrtlyAj^adifiB tCfednbltet, nor'perqe^tef^j^i^MQ«i4t i|i bvcmihe
to .riepi'btsei’Qursctsiss of thep@beas,afiyyi^ft^Jlt
meat. o£fSleep,%«lg>uM hp injuBytibewstah^ >t&
injustrne and humanity;. I am. ipformpd, you fafssuBp.as^psy .May .yeSi
shadow ofyour.bosom, epiCv the* ble^jn g%Qf peace anj[,affluence,! r By
your fayouj-J. am theltaja andApma of this epu n tr^g ^^^p y efea
niimW Af s^jecfeSv. %,
beep made: acgjuaippdv* by. tpa¥pUer.g \fflom these part^ I have-been
repeatedly -informed,, that yosu .have engaged h r hostilities; against ^th.er
Deh Tenia, to which, it is ,&iid,.liie D,eh\^own oiinpialj conduct, in
committing ravages, and other / m t r a g e ^ p n ; y o u r , f t ; o n r i s e .
As; he rude- a nd.igBprant,;tfac% past, times? ar^aot. ;dcs titnte.,of
W ^ jBqaaaljAfeJ^fee faults, which Ms,a«a±iderh$$jteHipte4 him^j0p,c-omr
mit. Tliigjlig unbbely .tjhathe has :npw;^ngir^dri%^gsPl^?SGS§S j§§gj|
the ravages. and plunder which he mayjbaye committed on the skirts
pf'the provinces of Bengal apd Bahai. nave gisen you provocation tc|
ssend yctur-iaveriging army against-him’.’ : Nev«aAeless.ifais ^pltp.-i^^'
Bgefi defeated/’M'ahy^fll^ people haVe 'beep killed, thfee forts have
been ta^pn fr.om him, and^e^as met wi,tb tjpg.punishment he deserved.
It is as evident as the sun, that ypur army has been victorious; and
that, If .you had heen desirous of it, you might, in the space bf two
dayd,.havesbhtireijr extirpated him; for he had hot power to resist
your « efforts.. But it now; taike upon’me to-be" Ms mediator; Pnd to
p^Tdlentfo“ ou, tha‘t,'Withe said Ddh Terrfa' is dependent upon the
' Dalai Lama, w4l#riules in this’cbuntr^ with unlimited sway, though,
oni®'ceffiBt^dfckLs(teEQ^?yet-ijri >hisl minority, the’charge ~atM administration'
®fSi®he';£bun(atyl for. titeiprpsi$nty is fepfUftitted to tpe3; should
yompersist. in Mertegdurthet kolestation m the DihTerria’s'countfy,
if will' irritate! both the Lama! ahd?all his SiilyOcfo agaihsLyou. There-
^heyjiomfafegkiHAtoioiS(rii'eligioh ancf customs, I re'^uestyOu will cease
from' allihostilitie's.against bim ji ted Mid’bing'thlsj you will3 Confer the
greatest'favour and friendship upon me; '-P'have reprimanded theTDeh
Tor bis past f csn^Udt'T [and Lhave* «'admonished! him tcjddfesik 'frotehis
evil-practices in'future,-arid fb-hdisUbmissiye; to- you iniSlf things. I am
persuaded he «Ml’conform’ to’itfre advieg-Whi'c-h l hW&glvWhiM j ahd
it will be. necessary that yod-* treat him witlivc^^sSjb'piand fclemfenCyi
As-Woa my part,.-!‘am But a-p’akeer pihh'cb it is ihfe’eUsfbm of my sect;
with (the rosarytki,ourbands;-'to. pray f§r‘.ihe WlfiF'e’ Of'alf mankind,
andsesppGiallyifdf -thepseacer anA'-happ Press ■'of !thi> inhabitants of this
country; aSMHPfdoi nOW,; with'-'m'^-h'eacl'tfiSdi)Vefed>',eptreat that you'
will peaseifrbm allN'htJStiiitiestpgkihst theT)4h'itf'fotimev! It woPld be
needless th ted-to/ihddtegtbOhthisd^fteF, 'as -PhtHbehrer of it, who is a
©Osein,' WiM%epibshnt to youmH^'alWculars; ’fend it is hoped that you
will cpmp5ycthgrewit