distance from each Qther, an.d growing to full maturity ip on© season.
Its ;lf&ves «se. very large, and are gatfremd as fondjfos »heir k»$os,
instead of gra„ss: clysters of plantain trees "were net uncommon, De-
Spending on the other side, we came to a Sacred spot called ffoeehsfrilla,
dedicated to a deity of the same name. In compliance yith the earnest
advice of my guide, I threw down a rupee here, by way of purchasing
a prosperous joupiey. ^fter passing this spot, wq travelled along the
sides of Pheadinchim, a perpendicular rock, the road being only adopt
two-feet broad, formed entirely of large loose stOne%and projecting,
over a deep precipice below, which is twice the heighj^of tjhe, talfo^t!
trees; above, large masses of impendingiipck, frowmhflrriplyfom/the
passenger, and threaten every moment to. overwhelm him. ft is an
awful situation: and were the rock stript of the trees and yege.ta.hlej;
with winch it is covered, the boldest advenfrjrqr woyJLd; be filled with
terror and dismay. My head almost turned round, fn this pfecewas:
lost the fine Arabian horse sent By the Governor General a?; a, present,
for t^e Daeb Raja* He started at the overhanging roftk ; and falling
from the road, was dashed to pieces at the bottom of the-precipice^
About two o(’clock we came to our quarters at Gygoqgop, a village
situated on, the declivity of a hill, twelve miles from Bux.adewar, consisting
of five or six houses supported on bamboo props; the joists,
the beams, the matted walls, the connecting hands, and every part, of
•the fabric, being made of bamboo, except the covering of the roof,
which was composed of plantain b leaves doubled, We were welcomed,
by the principal inhabitants, an old man, his daughter, and another
‘ Musa.
female* who 1 eachopteseiafodbis; with. Wfhhfe«tb^H*<Idtri^H<SeK afforded*1
vegetables^ eggs, and {mu toy;« and the usmal tferimg dfrai,pelo%hhM^
kerchief, Aeav and whisky. ;dEbes® -penpfe. a»re: atajtianed:here^ hyTtbda
Daeb Raja, for the pwjpose >©k pceservfog and" free deanmunr-/
cation with his possessions en)rthcMborddmuefifi:|0igai.^aEhdwfrjcpjaweying
with expedition; letters and parcels* -t® | and frork, the* capital'.; • They
cultivate a small paiccl <5 ground ,,vt Inch fmarslies gi liatoiffeihhir'sub-
sistence: Their herds ©£• ecsws and swke^ seek them owjkfoofi -ah the
spontaneous produce ef the .woods. vlkiwdb- firiM’^BSJVElrge j&tcllf
fewest some frme md,orange trees, and raspberry -bassfieb/
t We-freatd the loud and hoarse munnnrs of tliLTelitwtfluei.i,ftoliliitfgiih
a deftpnhannei atlthsfonfe-tof-tlm^motntaim Tftis riher nans feyffiassi-l
Sudon*:andt being swelled by the.united-streams- off the •Hatehieuywhie'H;
passes ;nea® a plaee of the same-name, and by-the Patefcieu^hieh takes'*
its course near Paro, finds a? pas&agte*' between the. m®6wtainsy fetaa
whence it fr precipitated in tremendous cataracts, and rushing wflfer
rapidity between the high cliflishtM vast stones' that ? oppose*-it*' pijqto
gross, descends at length into the valley, a few rflifostc-iWwfcBuXddcwa'r.'t
and finallyfoinsethe BerhampooLep. 1 ascentled a LoftyH eiiwiicuce'to»
look for the rivfer, but it was too dbeply buried" in Ae^bMehrityfafl the!
The farthest VfriMe mountains; to the northward;-, which» Iidohje&d
ture to be at the distance of twenty miles j,'WmWeoVfe£ediwith(sp<?W'. We
saw one; also* at half thatdistance, with;somejremafoSinfssnaw upnHjit;
•(Juitaing Gyg®0goo> at six o’clock on Friday ,the 23d: of May, we
p^jceeded: on our jpumey to Mdasichona, Beckoned t®j fee idistanrikhtefc