coral; amber, crystal, lapis lazuli, and even beads of humble ser-bu-jyab.
intermixed together, and hanging in festoons'5.:*.
I JThe. sidesr.of- fee pyramid werb encased wife plates oLsolkbsiiveK.1'
On eadtfstep feat composedTflte «structure, which gradually diminish#
in breadth and depth, from the base to the vertex,: were arranged: ajL
sorts of rarities; land articles; of carious workmanship, wlsjch-had been
presented at different times as offerings to the late Lain a. Amongftheise,-
were various ■ costly- snuff-boxes, and valuable-trinkets, the tribute1' of
the Emperor ; .with choice specimens of China, large jars, obold blue
japan, and masses of lapis; lazuli, variously arranged, and disposed,
according to their taste,, not without considerable -.effect., H
About breast-high from the base-of the pyramid, was one step considerably
deeper'than the rest, in front of which were represented two
lions- rampant, carved in relievo, and between them was placed a
human figure-; with eyes extravagantly large and prominent; his countenance
was expressive of ■ the most anxious agitation, and -’his person
thrown into strange' contortions: his hands were applied to a.'stringed
instrument, called aeittaur. Other instruments of music,.hautboys,
trumpets, and cymbals, were placed upon each extremity of the step,
immediately before these figures; and the intermediate space was filled
with china jars, and vases of silver and blue japan.
On the right side of the pyramid, was placed another image of the
Lama, as large, as life,-and, as Poorungheer assured me, a very faithful
resemblance of his person. It was placed in a sort of pulpit; .beneath
a canopy of silk, in a devout attitude; with a book before - it This.
Canna, L in n a i .
TTI B E T . 2 6 3
image,. I was given’ to?und0rstaindtfwasi ö^tdct^igttM^Wt' solid silver*
gilt. In frdBtf&K the%$$afeij3V‘Gi%an>. altaüco^öifedt^rife #hi&e cloth,
wefb spfead .about the eommo,n, objteGtsyèfli&rily^Pfel^fèbn*A^eht- as ,
Idints, and flowers,'wife>yari^h^ukmdis ^ |;^ ^ f e ’nfetoiLf|S®!fee#jJxed
among tha'pJikring8i,'were neeni a^etsame. time; se ^ ^ l^ p ^ n rjfiflg ,
which,,being,i6onridereri‘,a4.*sa.oiied fire, as^névqp p^nd.itty^l^o^it;
■ fifled’fee.surrQunding^apicerifed, s t^ il^ rfiim e d
wOm each! pyramid, hun^s^pefifleds fl;<$yith.ë;!ce$mg»by
e.nei end, whole pieces^qf the mostibeautififesjlks a ^ is a tm s .i^ ^ to
the pyramid were blackyelyribsea#)r(>idered aUfsyjer^ith
pearls^ in,squares jlilte network;; and, finished .with |<l}®rdfir bf.thssame.
SfHft^fftöces of, ivery-, handsome, English brocadès-, and i Benares ,gull-
bpdienl-iicompldted this rich dfeplay.yO^thWsurroimding^^alls^ere
paint.# .fe^Kvfee bdttom to, the top, many. rowsuoT,,Oyl0ngstneprer
s.ented in fee act.öf prayings .-
Upon the. floor, and bp all.sides, werëfeightpiles of sacredfepo'ksl
appertaining to the religion of the Lamas^whicH; orthodox; professors
of that faith, industriously employ themsefe^s to,augment with voluminous
; Havinv thus endeavoured to distinct an account as aour-
' spry view cop#Qualify me to do; of the valuable materials that,con-
tribute to enrich and adorn the mausoleum of fee Lama, I- must here-:
close my .description. To attempt to form, an. estirpate of its riches,
v 'A specie* of d l l clot}) embroidered with flowers, a manufacture, I believe, peculiar