about tenóyfcWel-ye feet-from the sumimtwfrthe walls, ||*ibeetapiecbl^ a
deep- crimson» colour, .A&ftièÉê1;-and*,whitened^cornice .surrounds the.
top. At the angles, and - dm drffer.entrpTa'pt s ■‘d'feng the tppx’of the*wall,
iff.placed a sort of ornament, which l ten» fasces. It^Mjc cylinder of
m[elal strongly gilt, standing* upright' upbn*, a?short-siippox)?e£’fixed in
its centre*.; and is commonly about five feet high, and two of three in
circumference. Mariyöftheirt are covered with hlaèk'dlófh'; andihese'.
invariably have a. broad white* fillet, passed
dir^tioos, horizontally and perpeöActfl^^^ to -Stfót thé'figure
of f m w fc The rides are marked with tettetff, beaded- and finted*? and*
the-.'t&P' is always crowned with ‘Jffome small- ornament The hettds
Of- -lions, well executed, projected from the- angles of the building ;
these ^so Wefè gÖti and had beHs dcpdnding from-their lower Bpsr
But the most showy part of this structure, which crowns’ the Wnoxe-,
iff a spariious tented canopy, richly‘gilt, which iff'sltïpp’ösè^^'Statid
immediately over the remains <Sf the Lama, and thé ceïit:M* df‘ the' py-
5 ramrd; it overshadows the summit of the building, from the •ftd'<fjr‘pf
which it is ■ elevated by its own particular support,' Ibrifiihg’ to the
whole vtwr elegant and graceful finish. The èdgèriof the'-<&bffy swell
Out m a bold and easy sweep. The ridgd^is' defcorated witH'tHè’Climdfe
dthgemy whose ebenrttfuttonir1 fifr up''afi,trihat>b|)a,§fr { "£na tt>,uda;lhe
erinopy are.hurrg a-prodigious number* bf small uÖèflS',J which, as Well
a% those, which ^are distributed abotit^all thé, projections ófi'tfih.tóird-|
ha ving thin square pieces of wood fastened to thé' dapper, make
an, inconceivable jingle, with every Breeze' that bFow£ .