in the capacity of Surgeon. I had every reason to ^congratulate myself
oia the choice.which had been made .of these gentlemen as pay, associates;
and in their kind and friendly attention, I had the satisfaction
to find a constant- source of comfort, amidst aflftl^ tolls and difficulties
of a long and tedious journey. '
-Modee-of the-Governor
the Court of Teshoo Loombpo,.had been previously given to the Daeb
Raja, the independent chieftain of the^jrrtermediate mountains,-which
separate Bengal from Tibet. This measure was indispensably necessary,
since, without his permission, and .assistance, it was impossible
to accomplish the object of my mission. ’ .
Inthè first pirt of ipy journey, as for as the C^mp^ytónoist’nörtfeeèi
station, nothing occurred which deserves paiticülar notice., b ascended
my palanquin at Ghyretty,. trtV'ihhiijrrrji^nffr river BHagirathy,
the name of the principal- branch. of the Granges, \yhieh. at) this
place bears the descriptiyë-appjellatiöh of tire Hoogly Erker-;,
lation given to it by the first Europeaninhabitants ofiBengal, aftdi&ice
retained in the common modes of speech , and writings I Hoogly was
anciently the principd port-and mart of this province.- I foidedvjthe
Bhagirathy at Aughadeep; thence travelling over the islahdx»ECdsMin-
bazar, across the plains of Plassey, rendered ever memorable by the
brilliant anddecisiyevictory-ofi Lord Clive,- and passing neaf; the
suburbs of Moorsbedabad, I arrived on the banks of the Ganges, almost
opposite to. Bauleah, After ferrying across the rivers I traversed as
wide a< space: of Jlat and fertile country as that which I had already
passed; and at the expiration of four days from the-commencement
:of OTtySjôuriieÿijWas set dowin®(r R'urigpdre, whibfo is. distant two hundred
and-^i^^Mles|ftq^teaMbfe{ ✓ >
- '('Upon'tmy& Rimgpbçe^îB fofind* my progress impeded foivthe
present; iÆ?®n5s!|(^Lénc4f©fiJthe indispeh's'àb'le'.nèGessity/ïofuobtamirig
pfevious'. 'ficensfeifc!© ous^d^s^ibminto^cfotmcïfemrther-Daeb Raja,
iwithout ,#ïose special ajUijfe^fij^riO'^rsoniïisfpermitted« fo r enter i the
■ pa^esfsofithe foohfijgr^moMtetns. Havirfgîthérefoj-èi an- | | |
Si&ëroto'fheïdfitlpKsyWh^^^ rto-aeqhaàfflf the! Dagb Raja
’feitfriofinjintendedt-dèpa^fe ©êhi^do^Kon^rhîdsfeehwÊd hispassl
ports, I proceedèdsonimyîjteur-meyffebm Rui^liÿ^â'tÉijiSacié Mr.
Davis 'and • Me. 'SatsKi<fers|n
r>‘;jWe travelled inf’dûR’paknqtMÈi^^he'i^a^iïtfoj^fhdïtiigfiimæi^opéji
level, country/.inferioR* to- no pamoTfe^gaMfedl£#«rp#fiiid fertility.
and sometimes ah intermedia te-* eroplof-màstalidjsiéêd^ æugÉeat-i%àâiï-
tity of goddytfibacG&tgrbwt Ws<^iÉitMs'dist^igttî^nd^sém^mffiW We
came at noon ,to. CalainaSl^ a* plain dfiwide. exéônh|’six{eêfeteïleisl froift
■ RStngpore, and ha’nng.^eMeÜ-pm,ttèrits^éÀfee!teô4»^ftrtffwith a
small village-upon, o * right^*a^M aM dhr® o^h#frdn«i^!^M «lS
for^the' remairidgr-^fiïilâaaÿ-.-i < At Mght,^hbre$chme (on ‘antfixossswely
high wind and heayÿrfall of rain, «attended wi thl&undjdrAan'ddigb^Ing,
sjadceeded- afehrea^ptA ‘^|)ri->Wednesday-5*e- ?thpky
another storm, equtfllj^viofefifr'andr awfah*^^
It may. h^sh^eryed; that.thi^sort of treateftious? burïfanë*.which
isiiOt unfrëquent at this» seasôife'éfi.fché! jfèafj|ili' distingttislped^by the
name of tFuffoon iri Asia, and*‘-âèïbw$wn*amông-'thë'ÆrigliShdi!. Bengal