santness, bat bethufie it had,been inhabited by’the feat- Efiglisb (gëri-
:tlenK® whb resided here,'before these districts, were reduced under
■ entire slfojéctàoxi to the Company. A lofty.artiSficialhank', whfrife
still surrounded it, shewed that its anginal proprietor chose rather to
rely,for his security on the strength .of his fortifications, than uailfte
•fidelity; of-the people. The ground aTound it was-extremely low, and
:jthe situation acknowledged to be singiilarly unhealthy ; hut as me
intended only a short stay, we set .up our tents, and in Aie course --aT
the day a messenger arrived, with offers of assistait, horn; Nârir
Deph. We also received visits from the Dewan1, thfe BfonksheeV and
other officers belonging to the household of the Raja, whb «offered
every service in their power.: indeed we •sfood'mü.ch imhêeff’ilffithefr
assistance, to supply the •deficiency of cèriagè-, which, at,feVé»y’lfâ|e;
occasioned us much perplexity and trouble.
. The Baja of Bahar, an infirm old man,-was absent at'.a5i^lae£\ciHed
Bahrisser, about ten miles off, performing his devotions. I.was’^rohgly
pressed by his officers to wait his return; hut I-excused amyJIlfHn
consideration of the advanced season, and lÊsdüfely withsfeod dhe
solicitations, both of Ms servants -and of my own, who were reqUally
urgent dor my stay.
In the district of Cooch Baharan usage of a very singular kind has
prevailed from remote antiquity, and I was .assured by many of the
inhabitants of its actual existence at this day. If a Reiat, or peasant,
owes à sum of money, and has not the ability to satisfy his creditor,
he is compelled to give up his wife as a;pledge,. and possession iof her
Sup erindaut. T reasurer. k Paymaster.
is Jmpt 'until the«5dAt,is disc^t#ged.- It sometimes happens, as’they
affirm, stMt'.tHe ^ifej©Eva dahforris ,not redeemeddo-r the space of one,
two, ot'ithreer*years ;^«dithen iffdifoingAendesidttace and'connection
ia ^ ^ / ^ ‘’houlty-hai1 c> IscW^hg csiisequence, half ,of
it^s'tconriti^e^^helprap£^y|o^lhe.>person with, whom, she? lived,.and
h^fstfiajsoiher real husband k | •
, «The'CouEtRyihas almost wretched* appearanfeel,. and its inhabitants
qre a' miserable and pufey mA-^'!^h^dpiver''^hi|:st wi't|ioiit' scriiple
dispose. °^d|rir, children fdr.rUa®do,^my pfiircha‘se^ aWthat too for
asymy.irifling;"aoh^iderfidon^^^opjyel|thaugh ipsa traffjdisofuaanaturafi
is thecagency of’a third perso-p pj^eRppiplqyep .Nothingis m&re^edim
mon than te'$ee amptheatdressiup hey c]hldi;^d-hringiilitd>iharkef,
•^itfi no other hopq, no, other yiew,f{humctq^^^t|^|^fee»she may
.procure, forth: -Indeed' the: extrq'm'ajpqverty■ andiTOrhi’efiedAss'of these
people will' forcibly: appear,. when’tviMrbcolJeqt how lplk p-nebessary
for the s u b lim e of a- peasimtufi, theseA^fons. 'T ^value d^fflisica*
seldom amount to mcpephA one penny percday, '.eVen-AiowingJiidite
make his* meal of two|pounds of bmfed^r^epwith|ijk^ proportion b,f
salt, oil; vegetables, fish, and!.chilim.
I ^ i i "0>P?Sf bi | for 3 traveller^ slrpge I I B to etch
e manners, or judge.of iJeoJhHueiice have
on the natural p^'pe^ities of t f t peopld.'^e feat W must be Very
1"‘ *<ffl1? P M 3fiiiW|gjB such a law.confujm^ to eviys-^sinccr in-mv other,, vv lych.
novel institution, the «editor would t & t * y , » 0n
the problt y | f^ .d e to r , iiot letjs, perhaps-,* t o n the r e% f | i| |o f the,, latter, to recover
.fil? wife, tfcan to part with! Ms money. Tj^whcSuId'ubt subsist,,if it wap aqt known
to be effectiy«. ofKits'purpose,.
■» A ki'ndof red pepper, in Universal us^ma'd^fi-om the wpicmi annuum of Linraus.