out of his hands. Prevailed on by his earnest and repeated solicitation,
I am induced to say for him, that in your justice and favour are
his only hopes of relief from his embarrassments; and he humbly supplicates
your protection in restoring, and securing him in the possession
of his invaded rights. The liberty of this intercession, I am corn-
dent to think, would be forgiven, were it not in favour of one who has
rendered various useful services to this government ; but though of
trivial importance, it affords also an authentic instance, of the encroaching
disposition of inferior Zemeendars. Y et another circumstance
it may not be improper to point out; that the ground alluded
to, is a part of the land situated on the western bank of the river,
opposite to Calcutta, which was formerly granted, under a sunnud of
this government, to Teshoo Lama, for the foundation of a place of
worship, and as a resort for those pilgrims of his nation, who might
occasionally make visits to the consecrated Canges.
Having, in conformity to your commands, done my best endeavours
literally to translate all the information Poorungheer could give me, I
have now to apologize for the prolixity of the account, in which I
have been induced to be particularly minute, as I conceived that every
circumstance, however trivial, might in some degree be interesting,
which tends to illustrate any trait in the national character of a people
with whom we are but recently become acquainted, and with whom,
in its extended views, it has been an object of this government to
obtain a closer alliance^
I will not now presume to intrude longer on your time, by adding
any observations, or conjectures, deducible from the elevated importance
yow^mïïg'H'lly sèetns rising tó) i#%önsequencé of the signal
respect paid'him by t h e ï s t exalted ppliHchl cEarkcfefrs known to his
^nation; but I beg leaVéTtÉrèpeat*tllaf it is with infinite "satisfaction, I
‘ïfearii from the'reports of P&ofïihgheer, the fiburishittg ^ate "of the lately
projected scheme of trade; tfcrprömóte whfèft* hé assures die, not any
thing has beeh wanting iri facility óf iiüercötirsé; rafVfM adve^tüijëit,
Who had invested their property, had éxperiénced'péffêét' slfcmity in
conducting their Commerce, had caftfed their trtfcles_ to an exceeding
good market, and found the* rate dPexcnpige ihatehiilly'' iiFtheir1 favour.
These advantages, authorize an expectation* |haf't&Me’ fitst ’atlempfe
will gradually encourage a spirit opntore extensive ^n-feiflözé; and,
permit me tö‘ add, I derive a confidence from infant |ssay, which
inspire^ me with the Strongest hopes)'tbkt the commission, which your
honourable Board was pleased to coiflmit to my 'charge,* will eVfeiir
tiially be productive of essential benefit to the political arid commercial
interests of the Company.
I have the hon our to be,
& c . ,£rc. i r e .