would willingly, importunities, byithe actiwapplication
of along whip, which fre whs just upon the point of exercising;
tyhenl stopped his hand, and, heingnot altogether .unprovided for the
e^<junters I opened a passage amidst the crowd, to the right andjbfr,
by the ^ o st effectual.apd po.t.ent. of all instruments, the influence, of
money. It had the power of magic. The road was. cleared in an
instant; and while the eager mendicants were busied in scrambling fbf;
the different pieces I had thrown to them, we made the best ofourktsme
to pursue our way. Though they were less numerous, yet all along
01» rpute.this day, knots pf beggars, repeatedly beset «us. g Many,for
the love of God, a11*! his prophet, solicited alms of us in Persian, ’iil -
was told, they came from Turkestan and JCasbmeer.. Some Mogul
fakeers spoke the language of Hindostau; one of them told me he frad
come cyen from Surat, ;md naturally enough inquired of meintellii-
gence. respecting his friends, whom he had left, he said, when almost
Thus I,unexpectedly discovered, where I had constantly! seen the
round of life, moving -in- a . tranquil regular routine; a mass of indi-
gence and idleness, of which I had no idea. But yet it hy.nonmeans
surprised me, when I considered that wherever ^discriminating cha-
rity exists, it will never want objects on which to exercise its bounty,
but will always attract expectants . more numerous,, than.it has the
means to gratify. No human being can suffer want, at Teshoo Loom-
boo. It is on this humane disposition that a multitude, even of
Mussulmen, of a frame probably the largest and most robust in the
world, place their reliance for the mere maintenance of a feeble life;
and* besides these, I am 'itfoffiied*that three hundred
Hindoos, 'Goseiris; arid jfkmniassOs,'' are daily'fed -M -this' place', by the
Lam'a'S'bobhiy 1 jjp
We travelled‘leisurely thfotfghf.the’valley, .and' twice halted'to.-take
refreshment,'which Cur CbnduCC&r-' had ,'prdvidentlyiss^ciired;'&'n - the
r(m&: ‘Our resting^aefe ww'ffi^ojfhffJpfaiEi;’ a‘rcaipe6^pfeafii m-pori
the gfoifrM' sfervffig^hs'Tb sit !upOn, ^nd'a-wight < bide1' sky fsuk
onFjKfcaflopy/ The weather was tranquil’, Aid*the'genial waim(&df|$ijfe
'Stiffmost' highly 'grateful.
' v?©uhhaMteg pifMhims'cdledf'Ts^dttj^-hififriif
from TefhOo Lootnboo. It was an ‘easy'Stfrgepdhdy-as we^made'-an
wsritF lohgb 1 ' w®fed: ffirough a^^cwl-'df
*wffib^S,'^here we had‘*^ifdifed;sou# 4^A^; updii,She"iflEirt'S' of tHis-,#f-
lagh; and ‘fthind hpbri Its5 '-hofSers “h ® Mb#'
cdhlpletely frozen,'#hd what waS if^jfry^Keii^'feusd^he^e'iiiift
enda^lt^oabearhff #hight1‘My ^al;# ^ire
| had! he safiSfeetiohoPskStirig for‘two1hbiiirsiup'ott t^ffSe^ftee^hicih
though harioiVi’Vi^ ffifrkhhly smooth,5 and ahhVe a mile in length. BP
was most df tffeeiSpedta't’bPsTto ^iei^he^app'a'1
rent ease'ahd' veloQ'ty with #htch(aii^ifr^bd^;dtlhft^^ihe'>w»ho #ere!'
with me had accbmipahied the'TeMed%ama4toThkin'‘aM-seeaiv;amehg
the Splehdid ^jpectMles, dSifibfedih^^dto^fr thd Smperor;j Mmis1-’"
amusement,'skhthig id alTiis'foMs. ‘They mentioned to
tieular, Ode circunistaiifee; #hich~Wa§^Stsrongly impffesfeed upon their
memories. This’ was ihatcfh1 between a -skater and a!dib#semanp’fijr
whom a good road had-beCn• made,‘ by fhc side'hra f&rgei sheet w fieeqs
U u