. And in those days the Khawkawn qfimighty power, in the abimdariee of.
his faith, and his love for the truth, exhibited unbounded proofs of his
obedience-. and submission, and paid the duties of ■ reference, and respect.
And the Maha Gooroo# oa 'whom be,^he continued blessing of the Almighty!
instructed many of the sagcs-éfrGhina, and of the sages of Kilmauk,
in knowledge ; and he caused their heads to be shaven, and received them
into foe number nf the obedient : and be conferred innumerable blessings on
the inhabitants of that land, and they received joy and happiness from, his
presence. .
And down to this time the Maha Gooroo was well in health ; but .the
water and the air of China proved adverse, and were as pernicious (to him)
as the pestilential and hot blast to a cold and frozen body ; and the maladies
and the distempers which were produced were many and various. Arid at
this,time, such was the will of God, eruptions of the small-pox came forth,
and our earnest erideavours, and the application of numerous remedies,
availed nothing; for the predominating star of our happiness was reversed
and obscured, and the shadow of our protector was withdrawn, and we were
excluded from his presence, and the only remedies which remained were
resignation and submission. The measure of his existence was filled rip, and
thelip of the cup of life was overflowed : and he retired from this perishable
world, to the everlasting mansions, on the first day of the month of Rujjub,
in the year of the Hejera, 1194* : and to 11s it was, as if the heavens had.been
precipitated on our heads, as if the splendid and glorious orb of day had
been converted into utter darkness.
The multitude lifted up, on all sides, the voice pf sorrow and lamentation ;
but what availed it? for fortune, treacherous'and deceitful, had determined
against us.
And we all bent down on the knee of funeral affliction, and performed
the holy obsequies, such as were due. And we now supplicate, with an
united voice, the return of the hour of transmigration ; that the bodies may
be speedily exchanged, and our departed Lama again be restored to our sight.
% 5tii of July, A. D> 1780.
’This is our only, object,spur, sole employment. May* the’Almighty God,
who listeneth to the supplications ofhis servants; acceptoripTayers! -
And after the.death of the Lama, the graciousieohduefc ofthe Khawkawn
was still the same, or rather his royal favour was still greater than before,’
insomuch that it .might be said Maha Gooroo was still living, such was the
excess ofhis bounty. t
And when the funeral solemnities were;'concindecly we received ourfdis-
mission?. «. And the . Emperor caused. supphe's, of.food and raiment, and
necessaries of every sort, to be prepared: and be .drdefed people to be stationed
at the different stages# fo-convey the,corpse-.ofthe deceased Lama from one tp
A nd when we tam ed our faces fromJthe land dfeghhh', he caused cabriageV
ibfoe'g&en to,my followers: and, he‘appointed two Ameer al'O m ras tdattead
the1 sacred reiriains o fth e Lama for.its protection; and on the'.ta-st'dayiofrlhe
month Shawal, in the year of the rim thoan'arning, I arrived
at the place ofrmy.'abode'in safety; and a tomb hadftbeOrf prepared, befbro'brif I
arrival, for the body o f foe departed-Lama ;’‘‘arid^we dej3oslte’dTbiS'fenlairi's
therein: and* we presented thenrieeessary. offerings?, and-idhtiribWed a'lmS to
promote the transmigration : and we -are unremittingt-in-miri sripplie^tioti^ I
f o * t e r»ay speedily appear again on the fjee bff the- earth*’' Maythdybfe
accepted 1 M
■ Poorurtgheer1 Gosfein arrived here in the yCar'spiAs, after the cfepartnrAf j
the Lama towards China, and two letters, and nine strings of pearls', w&l&Kft
blemish/ and perfect in their form; and ‘athbog* thfctrf oife"string of ferge I
pearf-hi'gfeatbrigfataesa and purity, and two*ri&4plrttrfcfd&hl, whiefr^ett
sfeat as 4 gift; arrived Safe: and ybur satisfactory lettedr;karid tWwhitfc’y& l
wrote concerning the village of the Raja,-and the remission of all matter's
relating theretoHo do honour to rite; 'the whole, as there written, was hr those
days submitted to the inspection of Maha Gooroo;6 and the joy w h ich Ki
expressed bn riding these things was-exceeding great: ^rid the'ifriendM
letter, and the ttfo rbsarfes of pearl and "coral, orie of themMnterfoixedpekrl
* d 23d of.-October,’ 1781: ’
s M' •