originally introduced to him : Soopoon Choomboo was at the same
time present. I received from his own hand his dispatches for the
Governor. General, and the presents designed for him, were spread out
before me. He begged me to, bear in remembrance his unchanged and
steady friendship; to state the misfortune of the Lamas having thought
fit to withdraw himself from the world, and their consequent helpless
situation; as he was now only an infant, unable t© comfort them with
his counsel and advice; hut, added he, be not oast down; when he
shall become of age, and resume the Musnud, all will be well.
On the following day, I again waited upon the Regent, and I had
not long been with him, when he accosted me in the following
( “ I had yesterday a vision of our tutelary deity, and to me it was a
day replete with much interesting and important matter. This guardian
power, who inspires us with his illuminations, on. every momen-
tous and great occasion, indulged me with a divination, from which,
I have collected that every thing will be well. Set your heart at rest,
therefore, for though a separation is about to takeplace between us,
our friendship will not cease to exist, but, through the favour of an
interposing providence, you may rest assured it will increase, and
terminate eventually in that which will be for the best.” 1 now took
my leave, after receiving many friendly, exhortations, and kind pro-
fessions of regard.
The arrangements for my departure being completed, I waited upon
Soopoon Choomboo, the minister and cup-bearer of the late Lama, to
take my final leave; and was charged also with dispatches from him
to the Governor GetiéraliKf. now të'céivëd Éhé'Vi§itS! öf MÉn^’friöids-,
who had shewn me muefr rivilMy^durihg tsy ïfêÉÉfèiïéë’ hèfëf and'frji
their kind attentfon':bad fiB&vé#ttertiriW'yr' gloOiö of the iöonastfe- life
I led,- which indeed, J S & d $ a t LWas CXerh-pt frdS daily iftêöd®!é‘é .
upóötbesöcfed duties,- to' which1 the-©yfén'^s w'éï'è ofifi^éd by’tfhëfi
vows-, was; equally dull and^nilorn*.' But I éiiMiM-hóf Bë? insënriDTè
of the obliging indattenfJVé'isSMMty Mtfrwhfélr air #htf had'^Cfei^
within, tho aftffiMpted to l^glÖföHta^tBriS^'BItattf *ffy fari“-
OUS C(mV0j®atiÉ®|:by'to1StraCti6#in fftCir’Mixage,\ot bjt'ihTÖ^öi^iifte
with the games of-wMcfe tfey’had any knoWfe'dgei ./ïiÖbng'sé'thésè;
chess- held a distinguished place, and-heffe P dftefr met with a skilfifd
E commenced my return towards Bengal,- dn- Tuesday, dfc? 2d of
December. The las# vitritsf of friendship add e'ei^ohyhddtaftited ihé
at Teshoo Loomboo1 till- the morning Was far idVinéëd-; and' it Was
past ten o’clock when I quitted the ipa^ep'® couldïnot, however bid
adieu to die place; tilivm^cööfrM'öiiijCWifhi-tlië CuStOm*d#ï|hèSe.Mp©uSi^
I.had bound a white silk scarfroutid- tM-dapi-talS of e'ioh1 óf the- foüfr
columns, that stood within the apatthfobf B hïd*dedi|Üdri. F ‘Stdpped ’
not, to examine?<fliCfelyy the oMigadoMW^fhiS? ceremony. ,3Kt wferé
meant as a tribute:ofigrsitüde; if was Cettaiiölydüfe to thecdnÜsïtSfilè
accommodation this: dwelling had afforded) me: IPh Wéifè^he^sMemó.
designations of a lbag fotèwellviC eqüill^ :atri3ötóéd. with; m f
mind at thumoraetitv
Having descended) to the street', we found oufhprsfes' sadHïèdt’ah tnè
door, and) a multitude of beggars assembled röund’thém: Oür cóhdÜd