GOVERNOR G E N E R A L y & e ,^ ..
H onourable Sir, C alcutta, February 6th, 178S.
i«v ^laçdience to the instructions were
pleased to honour me, examined Poorungheer, thef PQS,ein,!?whp-, bas,
at different times beçn employed ^deputations to theJ,ate,.,Teshoo
Lama, who formerly accompanied him to the cpurC,QfPekin. and. w^io
is lately agamvretumed from Tibet,, and haying ^llected;^pm,lym,tan
account, of the journey he has just performed,, and such other, information
âs he epùjd;give me, relative to the countries heJ^-Mfch I beg
leave to submjff it„to you, in .the following narratives
In the beginning of last,year; Pporungheer haying t’eceivejl from
Mr. Hastings, a short time previous tp his dqpgr&p-e from Ben^d,
dispatches for Tpshoo Lama, and the Regent of TestyoOjLopmbpoi im-
mediately set about preparing for the distant jourpe,y,/|tehad, en gaged
£ S H .. '