bum, and the priming, in an -open pan, take fire, .blithe management
of the sword and shield they are sufficiently dexterous, and
Undoubtedly most excellent archers.
They have wall-pieces, to which indeed the calibre of some of their
matchlocks is-scarcely inferior; but they have no cannon. Other
instruments of war were mentioned to me; one in particular, with
which they heave huge stones in the attack of strong castles; and a:
sort of arrow, loaded with combustible matter, for the purpose of setting
fire to buildings; but neither of these came under my observation.
The Zenipi, it was reported, on Monday the 30th of June, had
moved to invest Punukka; but. the numerous reinforcements throw«
into it, and the natural strength of its position, entirely removecLall
apprehension for its safely. The conjecture, that Wandipora* Roompoon
was with the rebels, was verified to me by a Vakeelb, who was
coming to me lam Raja Mocum Narrainc, and fell in with them on
the road. They carried him with them, and detained him in the easterri
village. The Zoompoon arrived the day after they had taken these
posts; but when they were preparing to abandon them, they-left the
unfortunate Vakeel, a woeful evidence of their profound respect-Tor
property, by stripping him to the skin; yet he was heartily-glad to
escape with life on any terms.
Various reports were spread of the destination of the rebels ; among
* The commandant or keeper of the castle of Wandipore.
b Agent or ambassador.
* The Raja of Bijnee, a district situated at the foot of the mountains to the southward
of Bootan.
the mqStnpr&bâlâleWas, that rife party- (dishqaadened tty! the check ley
had met with^vere divide#,i^nd'kiany of thenrïiddspersed. Th&ZpStfifli
peon, with those adhfrenfciwIiO' w ere steady to his -ccrns.c,’ had i ctrealed
to I6e|eas|le‘^ f Wandipore, vfhidb;hefeoM(iïîfefed ;tediesàbout tweiîty-
fou? mitei" off, in an eastern îbdirèçtierg and" is oséçemed^aoeorAigi to
thematurcîQlfortifications JidBoolau* .uplae'e !od4gi.qalf1 staqngth• is
situatcil art the c rid 'of a rock between A^vofWAHsitisvhicI^.vvasfi-.boLlf
and unite; in-one1 stream, atvits^pohlfcif1,
This is*one of^the ’consec-ratëdiypalhèes andcertain;
numbu of Gylongs arc constantly skifomicd mtit,ifoi -the püiîfo^m.iftce
ol-worship in the temple; it lias also.'an estubhshmotot.'w'b ZcWkaub*-,,
Poës, 8cc._ who, act ini a ,cral<as; wælba's^milikary, capacity; ithough-they
piopcrly belong to the lattes order-v'fihe numbers ad the enemy-thafr
composed the garrison, were not well known; but detachments were-con-!
tinually marchingiWurin'g.the whole-d-ay ;itd hem-than in-fiarid present
then .reassembling in the held. Zoondonier, who is the tTeasuiei -.nld1
generalissimo, together with the Zoompdom ofPunukka|wfe^3appointed
to conduct the siege of WandipoTe *'ajiM'0‘èkad;fe’rwàs lund'trstood:tb be
the plan proposed ; this castle being ctoesMéred^ asifciièt by
any other- means, than those of intercepting its- supplies o'f'WateWd
provisions. -
- The Raja assembled, as I was informed,-all the'Gylongs in ‘.the
temple,son Tuesday the first of July, to offer his thanksgiving- ferithe late
victory, to implore an early1 termination to theseiunhàppyiumülts^ add
the ultimate success of that party, whose chief was best.dispasSditotfche
performance of the diities. of their faith, and the service of the state.