'the mansion, furnishing/ evéiï at this high station, in kll seasons, an
ample supply of water Tor domestic usés. We continued to ascend
along the ridge of the mountain, which runs towards the south west,
by many steep windings in the path. The Erie stately fins that ornament
Wandèecliy, give pface tb less noble plants in these more lofty
regions,' and végétation of a dwarfish,'hardy'species, began to prevail
lis we àppîÔalSèd the siimmit. Diminutive as Tassisudori, and biMry
object mat lay Below üs/ how appeared/" the valley,' rich^ with'high
cultivation*, divèfsified with" numerous habitations, and watered By me
Grinding Tehintchieu, presented a beautiful'sceriè, whicn aerivêtf Sïh-
gular’ grandeur from the towering mountain's' around it, Whose'Sides
sustained many solitary cottages, in strange and fantastical p’osffibris,
the*s9ènf abodes of the recluse. In the mean time," sbriië larger and
Iffiibre populous Settlements of the votaries of relrgii&l^^ei¥ visible In
various parts. The most luxuriAt trees, I observed, Clfithfe the Skirts
only of the loftiest mountains : these before Us, like others tMFch I
have seen, carry their heads into an atmosphere, too rare ‘tb' bÏFörd
nourishment to the great and flourishing productions1 of the Vegetable
Many fif the sons df piety plant their dwellings in these puire^ffe-
giohs; arid in general, judiciously abandon the low hollows, with their
putrid and hùriiid exhàlatiôris, as best suited to thé business of the hUs-
bâridihan. It was with infinite toil that we attained the summit, where
we found a spacious stone building/" surrounded with a high wall,
through which there was one gàtêWaÿ. If was for some ntrc debated,
whether or not, we should yeûtürè to look within this solitary castle ;
for there, appeared to- us noVtrace 'ôfhâyjliving Creature eithê^Stipr
near it. *
ThedoorWas not fastened, and- was’ ripen.
Wei-advancëdi within/ it, and- had seafcfê|y^^|efecft the^fcoiM^yard,
when a bo'ywapproached,"Ad-tgreeted us with his masfëîfS1 iqyitàtiôri.
We obeyed/.and asceridiHgiaffiight18f^ooden 9t,eps,riot,tHedpfefr Sheri,
werêSifièt ômfhhJ landing-plate by a man bfb^èbnt ^figûr^&Lpfhri'péii-.
‘jgious-habit. He led Us/tO ■ an,!înrjfôp|$pà'i tmérityjù l lErè1‘çMMün# arid
icaipots weçe spreadbut, and invited'us to sit,'dbtv.n.u'l3AJvefyurpufe
repast of .buttered tea?,1 dquted? érè^M*,! ^df pa¥®bd 'grhip^e^i^dftBe
! hospitality bf this good humoured HÈeeluse. talkative,
and our dress supplied a 'cbpious^sul^^wll^ &qüiry'!ah#0Mé't'-
vation. He spoke with - fefiddrit ’ Safi sfac t iori of'ffiri^oêdpridefs âSicfîng
subsisting between the? Governor General A d fhel*DaëBHl'ajà/ ÿf^yell
as die favourb^rindâlgéricÇ shewn by the EngliSBgo^ernmemfchis
nation j< for which he said>-we*rhad' the praters of all
All his attendants, and therë1 wefê3Ériri$VFUfsèmBl$d-ÉÔ 'graljfy
-themselves with garipg’ at ’us'.h"AM)rig^-tMih l|^ l^ h fl|h (t’vrdi',irîe
"boys, who gave riècrisibn to a ’toüd'burst? ôf^lïrigMêrpw'h&f*^àSl&'d
- Mm if they were his' -sons*.' j He smiled at my’ wfcrf ôf^iriforinâtioM
telling me that he was a Gylohg/’ànd that Gÿlongs neveriM ^! The
î-SUn had disappeared behind thé''mountains, arid the rapid ifpprbaçh
of evekirigv'riiade it’necessary to think ofi'QÜrfefürni Wehad now
- wandérfed ‘to/a great distance firoiM'hème, and thbilg'h'oU^ prjSgi^ss'
| downwards was, of‘bourse’, considerably accelerated,kyet> night? -siir-
: prised us long before we reached our jriansion.