8'6 B O -O T -A N:.
ceremony. They were conducted by a senior of their order, styled
•Gooroobah, who led the procession, carrying air iron .pot, suspended
by a chain totheendof alongwand,_andsrnoking.with various sorts
of aromatic woods: all the rest followed in his train, forming a long
•line, which ^reached from the palace-^ate beyond ithe bridge. They
-were all uniform in their appearance, with the head, Megs, and feet
hare. Their dress was extremely.simple: it consisted ofithreepipces!;
a philibeg-banging nearly as low as .the knee, a jshdrt flge&t pf, woollen
cloth, without sleeves, and over .the whole, a largeI oblong mantle of
deep crimson cloth, folded round the body in an artful, but apparently
negligent, and -easy manner. It was first passed -ae/oss thebreast, then
-under thnleft arm behind the back; it^was;permitted to desqendvfjom
the shoulders to the feet, and. the other end was .cpjlected 'and tlnown
to rest upon the-left shoulder; the right arm was left bare, and unconfined,
but might-he occasionally drawn under: the mantle,, ^hy^h «admitted
also of being liftedup, Jo- coyer ;the;.hpad:>^|Jgft^rxp,I%y:^grp?s
rfhe. chest, and in the right, they: carried ^their (fo^yjesr, thfijir
: beads as; they walked along with:dejxterous rapidity.
The unsightly tumour?to Wfiteh J3alhyled, hjrpy^^n Bengal bjy ,Ae
name ef Gheigrandx4ubi, and which in Boot an is called Ba, or Ke Ba,
ike neckswelling, forms itself immediately belpw tbe chin, extending
■ Jrom ear to ear, and grows sometimes to such an enormous size, as-to
hang from the throat down upon the. breast.
iknown to .prevail in many, parts of Europe; in Italy, ne^r the Alps;
JStiria,iGarintbia, the Ukraine,;apd theTyrol; it .js distinjui^iedhy
the name of Goiter. It is.partjcplaa'ly ’Qbservable^mong.the inhabitants