chess, cards, ,and backgammpn. He introduced a paper .divided into
squares, and played upon it with one of his people at.a game..appa,-
rently. notivery intricate. He. then produced, another paper, witfi a
.filled with writing,; bu|-the design
of this, was not clear. Before holeft us, I mentioned tq , hifn
great; anxiety, to proceed on pay .journey, and my disappointment at
Being subjected to so much delay; I urged also my apprehensions that
we should experience much difficulty and inconvenience from the approaching,
rains. He said a great deal, to justify himself from .the 91*1:
picion of wilfully detaining us : he said that the Daeb would,^e,.highly
displeased with him, if he did not obey my commands, and^o^ygry
thing in his.power to-accommodate us; that in tbe? ^ r
Buxadew'ar there were but few villages, and those u^teylysunahle to furnish
the number of people I ^required; he added, that the inhabitants in
the valley on the- Bengal side were unable tor^arry^ngd^s^and travel'
up such-steep ascents: in fine,-he. preached up patience, to mej tiling
me he had written to the Raja on the subject, and exgepjed,his anssjfj|r
within four 6r fivedays.
I ascended a very steep hill on Friday, the 16th of May, (for the
country exhibits nothing else) the south side of which was cleaied of
trees for cultivation: there was a good deal of black mould upon it, s,usa
tained by the stumps of trees and projecting , roots. We jj§§ p a y -
spots .of land cleared in the same, manner,; on the surrounding eminences;
which, in general, seemed to produce thriving, crops ofb%ri,ey
and wheat, and a small grain of which they make a fenpented liquor
to drink. In the afternoon we penetrated into, the thickest . part of the
^el)dslfefsea]‘cfi^6f'pl‘ahts^*ttA^'fe11®fdtrfe%^§i3f>‘S,ueh asbwCre’ coriuhon
Bengal Snip®' khHlb <ifilTbl6ssom with an
-fidWer'j im^ediStfely-’iSffl'er which1 grew a> number fif
bri#riririorm> ehiiTely^imila1' ter those; on other
parts' o>i* a- his mixture1 of1 colours,
iprbdUbe^aH'eiy sitighliridhd^pl^K^g^lfeed1'1» collebted some
■ jjfants, a n ^ # ^ th % p ^W ik ^ ^ e 5 JR^tu‘rnMg! fr^di^alfcpl^f&und
the Soobah, witfiteathy'bifeiS^tftendariti^'Siidrihe prMeipiil1 inhabitants
’Buxadewai^- sfi^,H1iag<,lwitfM5!t^e'hhw?Chdfepr\P^':it*'ajJrnark, whieh,
though-' smkh, wa^freqU^nri)4tpi’df-c'e'd|''a1tlithe ‘distian’eb, aJd¥gUressed$ of
'hundred Md'fify’yards: ak^ay-s-'throWn in in
•horizdhtal difeehtihfe T*
The next and follovriiig ojay Md'nftifci-fFain'; both in the'mOTning
? ah'dlhef everiiftg ;i'%avy%&#fef^,JdhaVrended''byitK'tthfei^or%ihdV'iM
every Sppeari®^ISR^c&mi®Bbe|&mi^(SI'tfid>''Minf^r sblsdfrri Wb'pai’d
a visit to the S$dbah>’wh(J of Kis
chamber, -and when wfe seaterl, tried to enterta® us- by ‘chi ae'edffiif
of the omnipptencc ;o¥ his .gods, icprc\eht«lfiy£ pict U i <- s w'birh viere
hanging near him; but bis iltK*'
^mystery, that t® merit, was quitdimnintelligihlebist An^endtfodsle#kn#il-
j box lay by him, which }ib?'gai^nie t6'‘look'^.t,‘Stiid, had it in my
hand^he-desfie^me to "keep it; he)'pf^^ei^|m(|-aW with a purse,
into which he put three obtHe^people
hereinever i^b give" away an eippty pux^t Afferjsolne triyi^l^convet-
.%ation, we took with hint onenchp|Brieal -a®f aWt&et^hfibpirit'f|f'aind,
nn taking ouf leave, we ’wer^prelehted, as usual^with- trays of fruit.