In bidding farewell to the reader, I wonld invite his attention to
one more singularity, and to one now established fact, suggested by
inspection of this Monkey-chart, viz :—
1. That, within the black circumvallating line which surrounds the
zone occupied by the simise, no “ civilization” — except possibly in
Central America and Peru—has ever been spontaneously developed
since historical times.
Europe, since the ages of fossil remains {supra, Chapter V, pp. 523
-4), has not contained any monkeys, save a few apes imported from
the African side to skip about Gibraltar rock. The line runs south
of Carthage, Cyrene, Egypt-proper, Palestine, Mesopotamia, Ariana,
and China. V e know that Hindostanic “ civilization” was due
exclusively to immigrant Aryas ; and that of Malayana, primarily to
the migratory sequences of the latter, and secondarily to the Muslim
2. That the most superior 1ypes of Monkeys are found to be
indigenous exactly where we encounter races of some of the most
inferior types of- Men.
g g n
P h il a d e l ph ia , February, 1857.
S. Thayer Abert, Esq., Washington, D. 0.
Adelphia Club, New Orleans, La.
Prof. L. Agassiz, Cambridge, Mass.
Manuel Aleman, Esq., Mexico.
Alexander & White, Booksellers, Memphis, Tenn. (6)
J. J. Alford, Esq., New Orleans, La.
W. P. Alison, Esq., M. D., Edinburgh.
Hon. Philip Allen, Providence, B. I.
Geo. S. D. Anderson, Esq., Alexandria. La.
Wm. H. Anderson, M. D., Mobile, Ala.
J . W. Angel, M. D., Charleston, S. C.
Hon. H. B. Anthony, Providence, K. I.
D. Appleton & Co., Booksellers, New York (12 copies).
Kobert B. Armistead, Esq., Mobile, Ala.
Archibald Armstrong, Esq., Charleston, S. 0.
Richard D. Arnold, M. 3)., Savannah, Ga.
Hon. Samuel G. Arnold, Providence, R. I.
William Aspullj Esq., London.
W. P. Aubrey, Esq., Mobile, Ala.
Mrs. Goswin Austin, Chilworth Manor, Surrey, Eng.
Stephen Austin, Esq., Hertford, Eng.' ‘
♦Monsieur D’Avezac, Ministers de la Marine, Paris.637
♦Monsieur Prisse d’A venues, Paris.
A. Forster Axson, M. D., New Orleans, La.
Conrad Baer, Esq., Buffalo, N. Y.
Major-General W. Bagnold, Hon. E. Ind. C. S., Lond.
H. E. Bailliere, Bookseller, New York (12 copies).
Henry C. Baird, Bookseller, Philadelphia, Pa., (3 c.)
Geo. W. Ball, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa.
Munro Banister, M. D., Richmond, Ya.
Wm. Bargh, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa.
F. A. P. Barnard, LL.D., Pres’t Univ. Miss., Oxford,
F. A. P. Barnard, LL. D., Oxford, Miss.
J. Barnard, Esq., Paris.
L. E. Barnard, Esq., Akron, Ohio.
Edward Barnett, Esq., New Orleans, La.
Godfrey Barnsley, Esq., « (2 copies).
Antonio Barrera, Esq., “
Hon. John R. Bartlett, Providence, R. I.
E. H. Barton, M. D., New Orleans, La.
Thos. P. Barton, Esq., Dutchess Co., N. Y.
Thorney Bateman, Esq. (of Youlgrave), Bake well,
Derbyshire, Eng.
A. Batrö, Esq., Mobile, Ala.
William Battersby, Esq., Savannah, Ga.
Hon. James A. Bayard, Wilmington, Del.
C. Beard, M. D., New Orleans, La.
C. H. Beebe, M. D., Ilanchettsville, Dane Co., Wis.
Edmond Begouen, Esq., Mobile, Ala.
R. Bein, M. D., New Orleans, La.
S. Berg, Esq., Savannah, Ga.
P. G. Bertolet, M. D., Oley, Berks Co., Pa.
Chauncey Bestor, Esq., Washington, D. 0.
Prof. Geo. W. L. Bickley, M. D., Cincinnati, 0. (3 c.)
T. S. Bidgood & Co., Booksellers, Mobile, Ala. (10 c.)
L. H. Bigord, Esq., Greenville, Darke Co., Ohio.
Amos Binney, Esq., Boston, Mass.
S. Birch, Esq., F. R. S., L., British Museum.
William A. LI. Birkbeck, Esq., London.
W. R. Black, Esq., Fairmount Mills, Philadelphia.
S. H. Blackwell, Esq., Dudley, Eng.
C. Blanchard, Esq., New York (4 copies).
Henry S. Boardman, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa.
Gauldrie Boilleau, Sect’y French Legation, Washing-
ton, D. C.
B. Bollmann, Esq., Charleston, S. C.
His Imp. Highness Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte.
James Bolton, M. D., Richmond, Ya.
Samuel Miller Bond, Esq., Darien, Ga.
Miss Eliza Bostock, London.
♦M. le Dr. Ch. Boudin, M6d. en Chef de l’HSp. Milit.
du Roule, Paris.
M. Boullemet, Bookseller, Mobile, Ala. (10 copies.)
A. 0. Bourne, Esq., Providence, R. I.
David Bowman, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa.
B. Boykin, Esq., Mobile, Ala.
R. D. Boykin, Esq., Portland, Dallas Co., Ala.
Jno. M. Broomal, Esq., Chester, Pa.
N. H. Brown, Esq., Mobile, Ala.
Joseph Brummel, Esq., Richmond, Va,
Samuel D. Buck, Bookseller, Hopkinsville, Ky. (10)
E. H. Bugbee, Esq., Providence, R. I.
E. Burdick, Esq., Madison, Wis.
♦Luke Burke, Esq., Ed. Ethnol. Joum., London.
T. H. Burton, M. D., Richmond, Ya.
Jno. M. Butler, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa.
H. L. Byrd, M. D., Savannah, Ga.
Thomas Byrne, Esq., New Orleans, La.
Lady Noel Byron, Brighton, Eng.
William Cadow, Esq., Charleston, S. C.
G. H. Calvert, Esq., Newport, R. I.
T. W. Camm, Esq., Providence, R. I.
The Canadian Institute, Toronto, C. W.
Edwin Canter, M. D., New Orleans, La.
G. W. Carpenter, Esq., Germantown, Pa.
Carrington Library, Woonsocket, R. I.
F. M. Cater, Esq., Charleston, S. C.
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