This is true of all the other realms. With each of the nine figures
(except that from Caras) the facial angle and internal capacity have
been given. The reader will observe, and perhaps with surprise,
that the Eskimo and Kalmuck heads have the largest internal
capacity, larger even than the European skulls; while the Kalmuck
possesses also the highest facial angle. Let him not he
misled, however, by this accidental fact. For these measurements
in this instance express individual peculiarities, rather than race-
characters. Moreover, the heads in question have been selected
entirely with reference to their external osteological characters.
The facial angles; given by Morton in his Catalogue should not
he relied upon too implicitly, since they have been taken by means
of an instrument which, in different, but equally careful hands,
yields different results for the same head. To measure the facial
angle with unerring mathematical precision, an accurate photographic
outline of the head in a lateral view should be first obtained;
upon this figure the facial and horizontal lines of Camper
should next be drawn, and the angle then measured with a finely
graduated protractor. To avoid any further allusion to the cranial
capacity of the different races of men, I here subjoin the two following
tables, taken from my manuscript copy of the fourth edition
of Morton’s Catalogue. ■ Table L has been enlarged from that given
on page viii. of the third edition, by the interpolation of forty measurements,
with the effect of increasing the mean cranial capacity of the
Teutonic Family, the Mongolian and American Groups by 1.5, 5,
and 1.3 cubic inches respectively; and slightly diminishing that
of the Negro Group. Table H. has been constructed from the
measurements recorded in different parts of the Catalogue.
(The letters “ I. C.” mean internal capacity.)
H H « • . . « Ü Í m # * » . mrement of 663 Orama of various Races and Familie, of Man.
Modern Caucasian Group.
Teutonic Family.
Swedes ............
Germans | ,
Prussians f ,
English .
Anglo-Americans . .......
Tchudic Family.
True Finns .........
Celtic Family.
Native Ir ish ................
Pelasgic Family.
Circassians .
Semitic Family.
Arabs ..........
Nilotic Family.
Fellàhs .........
Indqstanic Family.
Ay ras.. 9
Ancient Caucasian Group.
Pelasgic Family.
Nilotic Family.
Egyptians.................. |
Mongolian Group.
Chinese Family.................
Hyperborean Family......
Malay Group.
Malayan Family.................. .
Polynesian Family....... . .',[[[[ ‘
American Group
t, . Toltecan Family.
Mexicans 1.........
Barbarous Tribes.
Eenape .........
Cherokee- .
Shoshoné, &c.
Negro Group.
■American-born Negroes......
Native African Family *
Hottentot Family.......
Oceanic N egroes.......