2. Hyperborean Race.
Burat Mongol ............;................ 1
Kamschatkan .......... 1
Kalmuck ................. 1
Laplanders........................... 4
Hybrid Laplander............ 1
Eskimo.................................................. 6
III. Malay Group.
1. Malayan Race.
Malays........................... ...» 24
Dyaks ...... 2
2. Polynesian Race.
Kanakas................................................... 7
New Zealanders......................................... 4
Marquesas................................................ 1
IV. American Grout.
1. Barbarous Race.
a. North Americans.
Penobscots.................................................. 2
Pottawatomies................... . ..w......... 4
Sauks ....................................... 8
Semiholes ........................... 16
Shawnees ....................... ... 4
Shoshones............... 4
Upsarookas........................ 2
Winnebagos ............................ 2
Yamassees ....... 3
Californians ........................... 2
Miscellaneous ...................... 46
Arickarees.................. 3
Assinaboins.................................... 3
Chenouks .%... 8
Oregonians............................ ....;........ 6
Cherokees................................................ 6
Cbetimaches ........................ 2
Chippeways................................ 2
Cotonays. .................................. 3
Creeks ............................... 4
Dacotas..................................................... 2
Hurons........................... ;.. 4
Iroquois ............... 3
Illinois..................................... 2
Klikatat................ .. 1
Lenapes............................................. 10
Mandans.......................... 7
Menominees ................................ 7
Miamis........................ ;. 12
Minetaris.............i. ....... 4
Mohawks................................................. 3
Naas.................... .Vi..« .............. 2
Narragansets............................... 10
Natchez................................... 2
Naticks....................................... 5
Nisqually....................... 1
Osages 4................................................ 2
Otoes...................................... 4
Ottawas....................................... 4
Ottigamies...,,....................................... 4
Pawnees.................................. 2
b. Central Americans.
Maya............................... 1
Fragments from Yucatan......................... 2
c. South Americans.
Araucanians ................................ 12
From Mounds 2
Charibs....................................... 3
Patagonians.... ............ 3
Brazilian...................................................... 7
2. Toliecan Race.
a. Peruvian Family.
Aricans...................................................... 20
Pachacamac.................................... 104
Pisco... ................................ ....... 62
Santa ............ 8
Lima.............. 7
Callao.. ............ 3
Miscellaneous....................... 9
Elongated skulls from Titicaca, &c.... 8
b. Mexican Family.
Ancient Mexicans..................................... 24
Modern Mexicans ........ 9
Lipans.......................................... 2
V . N eg r o G r o u p .
1. American bornt 16
2. Native Africans, 88
3. Hovas, 2
4. Alforian Race.
Australians............................ H
Oceanic Negroes ............................. 2
V I . M ix e d R a c e s .
Copts.................... .............<<#4.................... g
Negroid Egyptians..................... 12
Nubians..............................1......................... 4
Hispano-Peruvian ................ 2
Negroid-Indian mm 3
Hispano-Indian .................................. 1
Malayo-Chinese ............... 1
Mulattoes ...................................... 2
VII. L u n a t ic s a n d I d io t s , 18
VIII. I l l u s t r a t iv e o f G r ow t h , 7
Phrenological Skulls, 2
Nation uncertain, 11
Total, 1036
_ “ Cranium, quippe quod omnium corporis partium nobiiissimas includit,
indolem ac proprietatem cscterorum organorum reprmsentare existimatur-
nam quidquid propni yaria, iliius partes prae se ferunt, hie parro spatio con-
junctum, et hmamentis, qua extingui et deleri nunquam possunt, expressum
repentur. Ulud adumbrationem exhibet imaginis, quam spectator peritus
ex singulis partibus vivide sibi ante oculos fingere potest.”— Hdeck.
I n the human brain we find those characteristics which particu-
P H dl8tl^ uish man the brute creation. The differences
between the various races of men are fundamental differences in
intellectual capacity, as well as in physical conformation. The
brain is the organ or physical seat of the mind, and variations
in its development are, as is well known, the constant accompaniments
of mental inequalities. Hence, in the variations in size, texture,
Ac., of the encephalon, and the proportions of its different
parts we are necessarily led to seek in great measure for the causes
which so widely and constantly dispart the numerous families, which
11. the aggregate, constitute mankind. In accordance with its great
importance and dignity, the brain has been carefully deposited in an
irregular bony case,—the calvaria—to which are attached certain
bony appendages for the lodgment of the organs of the senses by
which the_ brain, and through it the m in d -th e mental attribute
of the living p r in c ip le -is brought into relation with external
nature. Now as the configuration of the brain is, in general
expressed, by that of its osseous covering, and as the development
of the facial skeleton, affords an excellent indication of the size of
the organs which it accommodates, it follows that in the size of the
bead and face, and their mutual relations, we find the best indications
of those mental and animal differences which, under all
circumstances and from ante-historic times, have manifested themselves
as the dividing line between the Races of Men. Moreover
if the construction of each and every part of the fabric is in harmony