i8o A L C Y Q N I U M.
• 6. Alcyonium ocellatum.
T a b . i
F ig . 6
fhew the polypes as they are fixt in them and contracted
fig. 7. represents one of the Polypes taken out of the
Alcyonium digitatum, with its tentacula extended, to
fhew how each anfwers to its filament at the bottom, and
gives us an idea of thefe when they open their cells and
extend themfelvea.
Alcyonium •with little Eyes.
This coriaceous iron-colored
Alcyonium has many
wrinkled cylindrical cells united
together; their tops are
radiated, and each has the appearance
of an eye. in the
Alcyonium ferrugi-
neum coriaceum, cellulis
fubcylindricis rugojis, api-
cibus radiatis et ocellatis.
T ab. r. F ig. 6.
This is one of Sir Hans Sloane’s firft beginning of the
Aftroite Corals. Specimens of this and the former are in
the Britifli Mufeum.
I have received fome fpeeimens of this preferved in
fpirits from Mr. Greg, from Dominica; they are of a
tough vifcid nature, and appear to have fome fine fand
mixt in their texture. They fpread over rocks with a
fingle fuperficies of cells,, as the Fluftra does on fucus’s,
and fhells, but never rife into branched figures, that I have
yet feen. They have twelve rays..
7. Alcyonium tuberofum.
Alcyonium jlavefcens
tuberofum, apicibus fcepe
!’Tuberous Alcyonium.
This yellowifh Alcyonium-
is full of knobs., many of
A L C Y O N I U M .
fubdivifis, poris tubulofis which are a little divided at
confertis. top; the whole is covered over
with tubulous pores, fet very
elofe together.
The fubftance of this Alcyonium, now it is dry, is
more friable than leather, and not unlike the dried flefb
of moft o f the Gorgonias. It is two inches and a half
long, and one inch and a half high ; it feems to have adhered
to a rock. It was found on the coaft of the Ifland
of Mauritius, and prefented to me by my worthy friend
Dr. John Fothergill.
Gorgon-lihe Alcyonium.
This Alcyonium is of an
alh-color,, and of a flefhy fubftance
mixt with fand, having
radiated wart-fhaped cells.
F ig. 1. 2.
8. Alcyonium gorgo-
Alcyonium cinereum
arenofo-carnofum cellulis
radiatis verruciformibus.
T ab. 9,
The cells of this Alcyonium are much fmaller than
thofe of the A. mamillofum or A. ocellatum beforemen-
tioned, but are compofed of the fame number of rays,
that is, twelve to each cell. It is often found incrufting
rocks and corals ; and in the fpecimen here figured, it is
incrufting the Sertularia frutefcens. I received this fpecimen
from Dr. Pallas, who fent it to me to convince me
that he had found a new Sertularia, which united the Ser-
tularias with the Gorgonias, and gives it the name of Sertularia
Gorgoniain his book on Zoophytes, pag. 158. It
was brought from Curafioa, in the Weft Indies*
A t
T ab. 9.-
F ig. 1.2*-