s. E R T U L A R I A.-
: ri
fis baji contofïhy ovariis figure of the ftomach, each
oppofite to the other ; the articulations
are nearly top-
fhaped, and tvvifted at the
bafe; the ovaries are unknown.
T ab. 5. F ig. g. G,
I found this little Coralline, adhering by its radical
tubes to a fpecies of Fueus,. called by Linnæus, Fucus
lendigerus. In the plate I have given a figure of the
Fucus with the Coralline creeping up it, of its natural
fize. It was taken up at fea by an Eaft-India fhip on
the coaft of Africa, not far from the ifland of Afcenfion.
34.. Sertularia fpicata.
Sertularia- Jlirpe tubu-
lofa paniculata annulata,.
ramulis creberimis trichotomie.
ad annulos verticil-
latim difpojitisy denticulis
ternis cylindricis ctecifque
terminalibus, cruariis. 0-
vatis axillaribus.
Spiked Coralline-
This Coralline has a tubu*-
lous ftem, furrounded by rings,
and ending in a panicle, confining
of many clofe - fet
branches,, which are fubdi-
vided in a threefold order;
thefe are inferted in whirls
round, the rings, and end in
three cylindrical denticles,
whofe. openings are very fmall 5,
the ovaries are oval, and inferted
in the angles of the
35. Sertularia Evanfii. Evans's Coralline.
Sertularia ramofa, ra- This Coralline has oppofite
mis oppojitis, denticulis branches, and fihort denticles
brevibus oppojitis, ovariis placed oppofite to each other ;
ramofis lobatis oppojitis ex the ovaries are lobated, and
tubulo reptanti eiiafcenti- arife from oppofite branches,
l US' which proceed from the creeping
adhering tube.
This Coralline is about two inches high, very llen-
der, and of a bright yellow color. It creeps on fucus’s.
The ovaries differ from all the reft of the genus: they are
lobated, and the lobes are placed oppofite to one another:
thefe appear to be full of fpawn, of a deep orange color,
which is fent forth from holes at the endot the lobes.
This was firft difco'vered by Mr. John Evans, a fea-
officer in the Eaft-India Company’s fervice, among fome
fea productions brought from Yarmouth, in Norfolk, in
the year 1767.
36. Sertularia muricata.
Sertularia articulât a,
denticulis pedunculatis ex
Jingulis articulis alternis,
ovariis fubglobojis crijtatis
jnuricatis pedunculatis y ex
tubulis radiciformibus e-
Sea Hedge-Hog Coralline. T a b . 7 .
. . 0 . F ig . 3.
This Coralline has a jointed 4-
ftem, with denticles on foot-
ftalks proceeding alternately
from the joints ; the ovaries
are globular, full of points,
from crefted ribs ; they fit on
foot-ftalks, and arife from
root-like tubes..
T ab. 7. F ig . 3. 4.
Dr. David Skene, of Aberdeen, firft difcovered this
Coralline. The fpecimens he fent me were imperfedt, as
wanting the denticles ; they feem to be, by what I could
judge of the ftalks and imperfedt pieces, not unlike the
I 2 knotted