Fig. B. one of the leaves magnified, to fhew the difpo-
fition of the cells that compofe it, with their
Fig. B i . the back view of the fame leaf magnified-
Fig. c. c i. Cellaria Flabellum, pag. 28. n. 16.
Fig. C. the back-part of the cells magnified.
Fig. C 1. the fore-part of the fame magnified.
Fig. d. Cellaria cirrata, fag- 29. it. 17.
Fig. D. the back-part of the cells magnified.
Fig. D 1. the fore-part of the fame magnified.
Fig. e. f. Sertularia volubilis, pag- 51. n. 22.
Fig. F. the fame magnified, with its ovaries at E.
T ab. 5.
Fig. a. Cellaria tulipifera, pag. 27. it. 15. growing on a
Fucus (H.)
the fame magnified.
Cellaria cereoides, pag.
Fig. A.
Fig. b.
Fie. B.
Fig. C.
Fig. D.
Fig. E.
Fig- g-
Fig. G.
20. n . 14.
fome of the joints magnified, to fhew the fhape
of the cells,
fonie of the joints’ fupported in the middle by a
tube, from whence the cells grow downwards,
as well as upwards,
the crofs fedfion of a joint, to fhew the connexion
of the cells.
the perpendicular fedfion, to fhew the difpofi-
tion of the cells.
Sertularia quadridentata, pag. 57. it. 33. adhering
to the Fucus lendigerus Linn. (F.)
the fame magnified.
T ab. 6.
Fig. a. Sertularia frutefcens, pag. 55. n. 29.
Fig. A. the branches magnified, to fhew the denticles.
A 1. the ftem compofed of many tubes.
Fig. b. Sertularia Pinafter, pag. 55. n. 30.
Fig. B. part of the ftem and branches magnified.
B 1. the ovaries.
Fig. c . Sertularia Filicula, ƒ>££. 57. n. 32.
Fig. C. part of the ftem and branches magnified.
C 1. the ovaries.
T ab. 7.
Fig. 1. Sertularia Pennatula, pag. 56. it. 31.
Fig. 2. a piece of the fame magnified.
Fig. 3. Sertularia muricata, pag. 59. n. 36.
Fig. 4. the fame magnified, to fhew the ovaries full of
fharp points. ,
Fig. 5. Corallina Peniculum, pag. 127. n. 36.
Fig. 6. one magnified.
Fig. 7. the top of the young tube, fhewing how the
branches rife out of the head of it.
Fig. 8. one of the b ranch e s highly magnified, to fhew
the pores on the calcareous furface.
Fig, 9. The fuppofed Corallina terreftris; fee pag. 127.
Fig. 10. the fame magnified^. .
a. a. a. a. a. fuppofed frudfification, higher
magnified at b. b. b. b. b.
T ab. 8.
Fig. t. 2. Pennatula argentea, pag. 66. n. 9.
Fig. 3. one of the fins extended.
Fig. 4. Holothuria tremula, Linn. Syfl. N at. 1090.
C e 2 Fig. 5.