I am indebted to Dr. John Fothergill for this fpeci-
men : he received it from the Eaft Indies.
Fig. d. is the natural fize, and D. and D i . the magnified
figure o f a piece of it.
1 8. Cellaria ternata.
Cellaria ramofa dicho-
toma articulata repens,
articulis angulatis fub-
turbinatis, cellulis terms
'Three-celled Cell. Coralline.
This Coralline is branched,
dichotomous, jointed, and
creeping ; the joints are nearly
top-fhaped, with angles at
their fides; they have three
cells in the front of each.
This little Coralline, which is o f a ftony femi-tranfpa-
rent nature, was fent from Aberdeen by the ingenious
Dr. David Skene.
V. T U B U L A R I A .
Animal tubulofum, cor-
neum, femplicijfmum, vel
ramafum, gelatina viva
prceditum, habitu plantie
crefcens, baji afftxum ; a-
pice capitulum, tentaculo-
rum duabus feriebus orna-
tum, fuflinens ; una medium
cingens, altera ex
ore fefe exferens.
P I P E C O R A L L I N E .
This Pipe Coralline is an
animal with a horny tube, or
one branched into many, full
of a living gelatinous fub-
ftance, fixt by its bafe, and
growing in the ftiape of a
plant. On the top of thefe
tubes are little heads furnifhed
with two rows of claws : one
row furrounds the middle of
the heads, and the other is
placed round the mouth.
Ovaria inter tentacula The ovaries appear among
inferior a. the lower range of claws.
This - genus approaches very near to the Serpula with
its animal Nereis, efpecially thofe with fingle Items. I
have never yet feen any more than the three following
fpecies, that belong properly to this genus.
Tubularia indivifa. Oaten-pipe Coralline.
Tubularia tubulis fim-
plicijfmis aggregatis, fu r-
fum leviter dilatatis, baft
attenuatis implexis.
This Pipe Coralline, with
fingle tubes growing in cluf-
ters together, is wider upwards
and narrower below,
where they are interwoven one
with another.
Tubular Coralline like oaten pipes. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 48.
tab. 17. fig. D.. Ellis Corallin. pag. 3,1. tab. 16. fig. c.
Tubularia indivifa. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1301.
2. Tubularia Larynx.
Tubularia tubulis ftm-
plicibus aggregatis, hinc
inde annulofo-rugofs inferno
Pipe Coralline, like the wind-pipe.
This Pipe Coralline has-
many fingle tubes, wrinkled
here and there, growing in
clufters together, and are narrower
at the bottom.
Tubular Coralline wrinkled like the wind-pipe.. Phil..
Tranf. Vol. 48. tab. 17 . fig. C. Ellis Corallin. pag. 30».
tab. 16. fig. b.
Tubularia mufcoides. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1302.