upper part with feveral crofs lines and brown fpots, of are
irregular figure, like the backs of fome fnakes...
4. Aâinia Mefembryan-
Aâinia difcifloray ten-
taculis retraclilibus, ex-
timo difci margine tuber-
Sea Fig-marygold.-
This animal; flower has a;
diffc furrounded by flaws,,
which it has the power of
drawing in ; the outward mar-
gin of the difk has a row of Dt
Hydra difciflorar tentaculis retraBilibus, extimo difci
margine tuberculato. Grertner Phil. Tranf. Vol. £2.
pag. 83. tab. -i. fig. 5.
Dr. Gaertner remarks,, that the color of this animal is
always red in the fummer, and then; changes about the'
latter end of autumn to a dufky green or brown. The
feelers or claws are of various colors, as red, blue, , white,
and even fometimes variegated, and the hemifpherical
tubercles often vary as much as the feelers in color.
I have taken notice of this as the mod common o f all
the Adtinias; it is to be met with almoft on all the rocky
coafts of this kingdom, particularly in great abundance
on the rocks a little to the eaftward of Brighthelmftone in
Suflfex; what I have feen there has been of the color of a
liver, but at Haftings further to the eaftward there are a
great variety of fpecies of Adtinia not yet defcribed, or
very badly.
In thefe 4 Adfinias, called Hydras by Dr. Gffirtner,
I have made ufe of his defcriptions, as thinking them ex-
preflive of the fubjedt, and only changed his name o f
Hydra to that of Dr. Patr. Browne of Adtinia.
The 4 following fpecies were fent to the Earl of Hillf-
borough, by Mr. Greg from Dominica.. They were pre-
fèrved in. fpirits, fo that their color and true appearance,
when alive, cannot well be known, which oecafions their
defcriptions, particularly the three laft, to be lefs exaâ.
5. Aâinia fociata. Clujlered Animalflower. Tab. u
Aâinia tenuis,. tubes- This animal flower is of a
formis., capitulo fübglobojio {lender make and trumpet
tentaculato, ex tubulo car- lhape, with a roundifh head
nofo adhærenti proliféra. furniflied with circles of claws ;
from its bafe are produced
flelhy adhering tubes, and:
from thence its progeny arifes.
T ab. i . F ig. r. 2.
Adtinia fociata. Ellis Phil. Tranf. Vol. 57. pag. 436.
tab. 19. fig. 1. 2.
Though I have had the clufters o f this animal drawn;
ereâ on a rock,, I am perfuaded from the flendernefs o f
their make, their fituation would be more natural, if
they were inverted.
Perhaps thefe may be the clufters of Waterbottles,.
which Hughes in. his Natural Hiftory of Barhadoes, p. 296,
mentions to grow to the uppermoft part of the rock,,
where his animal flowers are found. The natural fize
of a clufter of this animal flower may be feen in Plate 1.
fig. r. At A , one of them is expanding its claws.. Fig. 2.
expr.efles one of them diflèâed lengthways, and magnified
to fliew the ftrudture of the infide. B in fig. 1.
is the beginning of a young one growing up out of the
tube at the bale..
6. Aâinia.