28. Sertularia pu ft.u lofa. Pimpled Coralline,
Sertularia- articulât à
fparfim et alternatim ra-
mofa, geniculis fuperne
obfolete denticulatis, ova-
riis - - - -
This Coralline is jointed,
and alternately, but thinly
branched : the appearances or
the denticles which lie along
the upper part of the joints,
are but juft viftble.
Ellis Dichotomous tubular Coralline. Corallin. pag. 54.
tab. 27. fig. b. B.
This Coralline was brought to me from the Ille of
Wight. The fpecimen from whence the figure was taken
was an imperfeâ one ; fince then, I have from the fame
placé received feveral perfect ones, four inches long. It
confifts o f very delicate tender branches, which arife
from adherinDg tubes. Several of the tubes are united
loofely near the bafe, like the Silk Coralline ; from thence
they rife up into long branches, fending forth alternate
fhort branches, forming a joint at every branch : towards
the upper part of every joint are feveral fhallow denticles,
having a little circular rim with a point in the middle
of each, not unlike a pimple or puftule : as they
are moll exactly drawn in the Efiay on Corallines, at
tab. 27. fig. B. through the microfcope.
I am perfuaded many people, from the defcription of
this, as well as the Dodder Coralline, without examining
them in the microfcope, would take them for decayed
Confervas ; but they are true Sertularias, as the fpeci-
mens fliew.
29. Sertularia
29. Sertularia frutefcens.
Sertularia ramofa tuhu-
lofa pinnata, pinnulis fe -
tuc eis alternis arreElisr
denticulis' fecundis cylin-
drico-campanulatisy ova--
riis. — - —
Shrubby Coralline. Tab. 6.
- 4, riG. a.-
This Coralline has a ftemA-
full of fmall united little
tubes,from whence come forth
rows of fmall branches dif-
pofed alternately in a pinnated
order, bending upwards ; the
denticles are of a cylindrical
bell-fhaped form, placed one
above another on the fame
fide; the ovaries are unknown..
T ab. ' 6. Fig. a. A.
This Coralline was found at Scarborough, in York-
Ihire. 1 he ftem is black and hard, the branches of a
dark brown : it is more firm and woody than any of this
genus, and appears to be the very fame fpecies with that
which,Dr. Pallas fent.me from Holland, incruftated with,
an Alcyonium, by the name o f Sertularia Gorgonia. See
tab. 9. fig. 1. 2.
30. Sertularia Pinafter.
"Sertularia fimplex pin-
nata, pinnis alternis, denticulis
oppof tis bafe cauli
apprefeis, apke tubidofes
incurvis, ovariis fecundis
majoribus ovato-quadran-
gulfs y angulis mucrona-
tisy ore tubulofo.
Sea-Pine Coralline.. Tab. 6
Fre. b.
This Coralline has a fingle B.
pinnated ftem ; .the little
branches are alternate, with
oppofite denticles, the. bottom-
of which . adheres clofe to the
branch, but the top- part is.
tubular, and bent upwards
the ovaries are large and •
ranged on one fide they are