and proceeding from the back tube. This Coralline is
common on the Britifh coaft.
I have lately received from Dominica, fome very large
fpecimens of this kind, fix. inches high, that are loofely
branched, and grow eredt on Ihells. The ovaries of thefe
are more oblong, and referable thofe of a bean-pod, and
have eight or nine furrounding criftated ribs.
Befides thefe, we often meet with a very minute variety
on the Fucus natans, or Gulph-weed, and fome
other varieties from the
1 3. Sertularia Myriophyl-
Sertularia pinnata, pin-
nis alternis, rachi nodefa,
nodulis ext erne areuatis
dijiantibus; denticulis Je-
cundis truncatis Jlipula-
P Leaf ant s-t ail Coralline.
tab. 8.
Sertularia Myriophyllum.
pag. 1309-
Mediterranean and. the Eaft
Pheafanfs-tail Coralline.
This Coralline, with featherlike
branches alternately dif-
pofed on the front of the midrib
or ftem, the back o f which
has arched knots,“ placed at
a diftance from each other;
the denticles are even at top,
each like a cup fupported by
a focket, with a fhort fpine in
front, and are placed in a row
above one another on the under
part of the little featherlike
Ellis Corallin. pag. 14.
Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. .
The form of the ftem of this Sertularia is different
from all the kinds hitherto known, on account of the
arched knots on its ftem : when it is put into water, the
two rows of little branches, or pinna, become nearly
ftraight, or incline a little at their ends, with their denticles
towards each other. I have never yet feen their
ovaries, nor any other fpecimen, but that which was col-
ledted near the harbour of Dublin, part of which is very
exadtly reprefented in my Eflay on Corallines. An elegant
fpecimen of this is preferved among my other Zoophytes
in the Britifh Mufeum.
Lohjler s-horn Coralline.
This Coralline has fingle
Items, but there is. a variety
that is branched. Thefe are
furrounded with whirls of
briftle-like fmall branches,,
which have on the upper fide
rows of cup-fhaped denticles;
their ovaries have foot-ftalks,
and are obliquely open to--
wards the ftem : thefe are
placed round it at the infertion
of the branches.
Lohjler s-horn Coralline, or Sea-Beard. Ellis Corallin.
pag. 15. tab. 9.
Sertularia antennina. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1310.
The branched variety of this Coralline is reprefented
in the Philofophical Tranfadtions, Vol. 48. tab. 22. as
it appeared alive in fea-water ; and was, in Tune 1754,
14. Sertularia antennina.
Sertularia furculis fub-
Jimplicibus verticillatis, fe-
tulis denticulis fecundis ca-
lyciformibus, ovariis axilla-
ribus pedunculatis oblique