mulis attenuates coalefcen- moufly branched; the little
tibus. branches often unite together,
and become fmaller at the
T ab. 23. F ig. 13.
This milk-white little Coral has a very different appearance
from that called M. polymorpha, or the little
Englifh Coral of the Shops, which is found on the coafts
of thefe iflands. From the habit and manner o f its
growing, I fhall consider it as different fpecies.
This grows to four inches high ; the branches become
fmaller towards the end, and are generally regularly fub-
divided. On breaking the branches flantways, the internal
cellular ftrudfure may be feen in the microfcope. It is
found in the Mediterranean Sea.
2 .Millepora polymorpha. Britijh officinal Coral.
Millepora fafciculata This Millepore is in folid
folida, ramulis difformi- maffes, irregularly ramofe, and
bus tuberculatis. tuberculated.
Car allium pumtlum album, fere lapideum, ramofum•
Ellis Corallin. pag, 76. tah. 27. fig. c.
Millepora polymorpha. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1285.
This is the Coral of the Shops, and is found in great
plenty in the feas round thefe iflands, efpecially near Falmouth,
and the Ifle of Man. It is of very different colors,
as red, yellow, greenifh, afh-colored, but feldom
white. It is ufed in many places for manure, particularly
at Falmouth, according to- Mr. Ray ; and is fup-
pofed by fame late authors, but with no degree of probability,
to be driven by the wind and waves hither from
the American iflands. It is often fhaped like the kernel
of a walnut, often in larger compreffed maffes, fome-
times like a bunch of very fmall grapes, moft frequently
in tuberculated branches. It is found from one inch to
three inches long. When it is taken out of the fea it is
covered with a flime. The pores on the furface are very
fmall, fo that to fee them it is neceffary to wipe the flime
very clean off, and to ufe a large magnifier.
3. Millepora decuffata.
Millepora creta'cea la-
mellata, laminis varie de-
Interfered Millepore.
This Millepore is full of
chalky, eredt plates, or lamina;,
which crofs one another,
and unite differently
here and there.
T ab. 23. F ig. 9.
This has been fuppofed to be a variety of the following
; but the Angularity of its growth obliges me to make
them two diftindf fpecies. This was found on the coaft
of Portugal, where it grows in large maffes of five and fix
inches diameter.
4. Millepora lichenoides. Liverwort Millepore.
Millepora laminis te- This Millepore has flender
nuibusfemicircularibusho- femicircular plates, or lamina,
rixontaliter foliofa. that grow horizontally.
T ab. 23. F ig. 10— 12.
This moft delicate Millepore is of various colors, as
red, purplifli, yellow and whitifh. It is found adhering
to and covering the Coralline of the Shops, on the coaft
S 2 of
T AB.22,
F ig . 9.
r ig.
10— 12.