and perhaps the beginning of fome one already defcribed,
probably the Millepora tubulofa. It is about the fize of
a fplit pea, and found adhering to Fucus’ s and Fluftras,
or Sea-Matts, in the Britifh feas.
[4 ] . M illepores t h a t ’ ha v e small V essels r u nn ing
send o u t P ores on one Sid e , or on l y in a L ine on
the M a r g in .
[ 4. Millepora foraminofa. Lace Millepore.
Millepora reticulata in-
fundibuliformis inordinate
undulato-plicata, latere
fuperiori tantum porofa.
This Millepore is formed
like a net, funnel-lhaped, and
irregularly waved, and plaited
in the margin. It is full of
pores only on one fide.
Retepora efchara marina. Ellis Corallin. pag. 72-
tab. 25. fig. d. D. F.
Millepora cellulofa. Linn. Syft, Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1284.
Though this elegant little Coral is found now and
then on our coaft, we cannot boaft of thofe beautiful
forms that we find in fpecimens from the Mediterranean
Sea. Ours is generally funnel-fhaped; but the foreign is
more laofely folded and waved, and looks like open lace ;
the under part is quite fmooth between the openings, but
the upper furface is full of cells, which are difpofed in a
regular quincunx order.
15. Millepora reticulata.
Millepora ramofa in
planum expanfa, ramie
N et Millepore.
This Millepore is branched,,
and expands horizontally; the
dichotomis bifariam ana- branches are dichotomous, and
fiomofantibus, fupra fca - grow together on both fides;
bris poris afperis ; fubtus the upper part is rough, with
Icevibus. pointed pores, the under part
Millepora reticulata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p.1284.
This Coral is very rare, and was brought from the
Eaft Indies. It is very like the Frondipora of Imperatus,
or the little Coral figured by Count Marfigli, in tab. 34.
fig-1 55- anfi fiut more expanded; the little fide
branches diverge in an acute angle, and meeting with the
oppofite ones, grow together and form a net-like figure.
Tliefe reticulated branches grow in an undulated manner,
and coalefce here and there together. It is of a whitilh
color and brittle texture.
16. Millepora tubipora.
Millepora proclinans in
piano dichotoma, ramulis
flexuofis fubparallelis den-
ticulatis, fupra poris pro-
minulis ; fubtus firiatis.
Lubulous Millepore.
This Millepore bends forward,
in a flat dichotomous
manner; the branches are
waved, nearly parallel, and
denticulated ; the pores project
on the upper fide, and the
under fide is ftriated.
Ellis Corallin. pag. 95. tab. 35. fig. b. B.
Millepora lichenoides. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1283.
I have already defcribed this tubulous white Millepore
in my Eflay on Corallines, and in the Philofophical
Tranfa&ions, to Ihew that many Corals are compofed of
united tubes. The fpecimen there reprefented is only
the beginning of one of them, and not fo compleat as I
T 2 have