F ig. i .
T AB. 22.
F ig. 4.
ro. Corallina oblongata. Oblong jointed Coralline.
Corallina dichotoma, DichotomousCorallinevvith
articulis oblongis fubcom- oblong cylindrical joints, a
frejfo-cylindricis. little comprefled.
T ab. 22. F ig. i .
This fpecies feems to come between the Corallina ob-
tufata and the Corallina cylindrica that follows. It differs
from the firft in being round at the top of the joints
and not at the bottom; and likewife in being more {lender,
alfo growing thicker towards the top. It differs
from the latter by the joints being a little compreffed and
more diftant ; it is alfo thicker and fafter.,
It is found among_the Weft-Indian ifland's.
ix . Corallina cylindrica. Cylindrical jointed Coralline..
Corallina dichotoma, Dichotomous Coralline with;
articulis cylindrkis fu b- fmooth cylindrical joints, near-
ccqualibus Iambus... ly equal..
T ab. 22-i F ig ; 4,.
This. Coralline I lately received from Mr. Greg, preferred
in fpirits, from the Weft Indies} when it was
{Lifted into clear fpirits, there hung to it a clear gelatinous
fubftance, which the internal part appeared to be
full of. Upon opening fome of the joints, they, alfo were,
full of minutely branched tubes ;; fo that the tubular hollow
appearance, as defcribed by authors, proceeds from
their having differed only dried fpecimens. The joints
feem rather larger at top than at bottom in recent fpeci-
mena. .
12. Corallina marginata. Bordered Coralline. TAB.22.
8 Fig. 6.
Corallina dichotoma-, Dichotomous Coralline with
ramis fubcontinuis Icevi- flat fmooth branches, fcarcely
bus complanatis, margi- jointed, and a railed border.
nibus fubinflexis.
T ab. 22. F ig. 6.
Though this Coralline is found, when dry on the fhore,
more flat than the reft of this kind, it is very probable,
when it is frefti taken out of the fea it is much rounder ;
the fibres in the infide are extremely delicate, which oc-
cafions its fhrinking fo much, when the gelatinous fluid
is evaporated.
This was found on the fliore o f one of the Bahama
13. Corallina rugofa.
Corallina dichotoma,
articulis annulato-rugulo-
fis fubcontinuis cylindri-
cis, apicibus comprejfts.
Wrinkled Coralline, jj
Dichotomous Coralline with
cylindrical joints, almoft united
: thefe are wrinkled with
circular furrows, and the tops
of it are compreffed.
T ab. 22. F ig. 3.
Corallina geniculata, mollis, Americana, fegmentis latis
et comprejfts. Pluken. phyt. tab. 168. fig. 4.
Fucus martnus coralloides minor fungofus albidus teres
Jegmentis in fummitateplanis. Sloan. Hift. Tam. I. p 61
tab. 2o.- fig. 10. J r
This is found on the Jamaica coaft.
T AB.22.
F ig. 3.