o f Cornwall. It is extremely thin and brittle : the femi-
circular plates are of various fizes, and conftantly grow
horizontally; their margins bend over, which makes
them convex on their upper fides,. .and concave underneath.
This is remarkably full of the fame ffiaped ovaries
with the Coralline of the Shops. My learned and
reverend friend Dr. William Borlafe, of Ludgvan, in
Cornwall, was fo kind as to fend me many varieties of
this fpecies. The pores on the under part are to be dif-
covered by good glades. The cellular ftru&ure of the
internal part both of this and the officinal Coralline exactly
agree, as may he feen in the figures I have given of
[2]» M illepores th a t grow l ik e the F l u s t r a .
5. Millepora Spongites- Sponge-Stone Millepore»
Millepora fragilijfima,
cellulis feriatis, lamellis
fmplicibus tubulofo-turbi-
natis ‘uarie caalefcentibus.
This very brittle Millepore
has rows of cells, in Angle
layers, which are of a tubular
top-ffiape, irregularly uniting
together into mafles.
Cellepora Spongites. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1286»
This delicate Millepore is marked on the under fide of
the cells with lines between each row ; the openings of
the cells have a little margin round them, and there are
frequently little round balls on the upper part of many of
them, which probably are their ovaries. The cells in
their lines are generally alternate to thofe that lie next to,
them. It is found in the Mediterranean Sea,, of various,
fizes, from two to four inches diameter, and often much
larger; fometimes of a milk-white, at other times of a
.grey color.
6. Millepora foliacea. Foliaceous Millepore.
Millepora . lamellofcc Millepore with winding la-
fiexuofa utrinque porofa. mins, or plates full of cells on
both fides.
Stony foliaceous Coralline. Ellis Corallin. p. 71. tab. 30.
fig. a. A. B. C.
Millepora fafcialis. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1283.
This Millepore is very common on the fea-coaft of the
Britiffi iflands, where it is found in mafles from three
iAches to a foot long. We frequently obferve it incrufting
ftones and ffiells, and like fome of the Fluftras, or Sea-
Matts, it fir ft forms a fingle layer of cells, and rifes up
with a double layer afterwards into twifted leaf-like ftony
mafles, with cells on both fides, difpofed in a quincunx
7. Millepora tsenialis.
Millepora plana an-
gufla ramofa utrinquepo-
rofa> ramis fexu o fs coa-
Porus Cervinus. Ellis
fig. b.
Millepora-fafcialis. Lit
Pape Millepore.
This Millepore is flat, narrow,
and fubdivided into,
branches ; it has cells on both
fides; the branches bend irregularly,
and often unite together.
Corallin. pag. 72. tab. j o in.
Syft. Nat.Ed. 12. p. 1283»