6. Adtinia After.
Sea Star-flower with à fmooth
flem. ■
Adtinia flirpe crajfa,
carnofa, fubcylindrica,
hzvi, truncata, tentacu-
Jis radiata.
This animal flower has a
thick, flelhy, fmooth and al-
moft cylindrical ftem, ending
abruptly at the top, which is
furnifhed with circular rows of
AEiinia Afler. Ellis Phil. Tranf. Vol. 57. pag. 436.
tab. 19. fig. 3.
This was fent by John Greg, Efq. from the ceded
Iflands in the Weft Indies, to the Earl of Hilllborough.
7. Adtinia Anemone.
Adtinia carnoja com-
planata, difco fubhexa-
gono tentaculis plurimis
AEiinia Anemone. Ellis
tab. 19, fig. 4. 5.
This was likewife fent
Earl of Hilllborough by
8. Adtinia Helianthu^.
Adtinia carnofa com-
planata hypocraterifor-
mis, difco rotundo tentaculis
plurimis prcedito.
AEiinia Helianthus. Ell
tab. 19. fig. 6. 7.
Sea Anemone.
This animal flower is of a
roundilh comprefledform, with
a dilk inclining to fix angles,
furrounded by many rows of
Phil. Tranf. Vol. 57. pag. 436.
from the Weft Indies to the
J. Greg, Efq.
Sea Sun-flower.
This animal flower is lhaped
like a falver, of a flat round
form, furrounded by a very
great number of tentacles.
is Phil. Tranf. Vol. 57. p. 436.
The tentacles or claws of all'thefe animal flowers, that
were preferved in fpirits, are greatly contradted.
This elegant one Was likewife fent from the Weft Indies
to the Earl of Hilllborough, by Mr. Greg.
9. Adtinia Dianthus. Sea Carnation.
This animal flower is fmooth
and fomewhat cylindrical in
its ftem. The dilk or upper
part is divided into 5 leaf-like
figures,, which are adorned
with many minute white claws,
that furround its mouth, which
is elevated and ftriated.
Adtinia lesvis fubcylin-
drica, difco quinquepar-
tito foliaceo, tentaculis
exiguis albis ornate, ofculo
elevato flriato.
AEiinia Dianthus* Ellis Phil. Tranf. Vol. 57. pag.436.
tah. 19. fig. 8.
I found this animal flower in plenty adhering to the
under part of fome rocks, oppofite to the town o f Haft-
ings in Suflex ; it hangs downwards, and has the appearance,
when the tide is out, of a llender longftalked yellow
fig : but being put into a glafs veflel of fait water
upon its bafe, it finks down and exhibits this form, as it
is expanding its feelers.
10. Adtinia Calendula.
Adtinia flirpe fubtier-
binatay difco tentaculis
petaliformibus cinEia.
Sea Marigold. Tab. i..
Fxg. 3,
This animal flower has a
toplhaped ftem, and its dilk
furrounded by tentacles or
claws, fomething like the petals
of a flower.,
T ab. r. F ig, 3;..