: 2Ó C O R A L L I N A .
T AB.25. O A Corallina Phoenix.
Corallina ßipite ßmplici
incrußato, fronde óblonga,
ramis undique fàfcicula-
tis erumpentibus compla-
Palm Coralline
Coralline with a fingle in-
cruftated ftem; the upper
leafy part is of an oblong figure,
and confifts of fmall faf-
ciculated branches, which
come forth on all fides; the
lefler branches of thefe are fo
united together, as to appear
quite flat.
T ab. 25. F ig. 2. 3. '
This very Angular Coralline was found on the coaft of
the Bahama iflands, . It is o f a milk-white color, and
about three inches and an half high.
i f
TAB.25. 35. Corallina Penicillus. Pencil Coralline.
Coralline with a fingle in-
cruftated ftem, and a tuft of
dichotomous thread-likejoint-
ed branches at the top.
Corallina JlipiteJimplici
incrujlato, ramis fafcicu-
latis fajligiatis dichotomis
jiliformibus articulatis.
T ab. 25. F ig . 4— 6.
Corallina Penicillus. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1305.
This Coralline varies in the thicknefs of its branches,
as well as in its fiz e ; they are found from one inch to
four inches long ; in fome the ftem is very fhort, in
others it is four times as long as the head. They are generally
white, The joints are eafily diftinguifhed where
the branches divide ; the ftem is compofed of' tubular filaments,
covered with a calcareous cruft. They adhere to
Ihells by the bafe of thefe filaments, and are often found^
in the Weft-Indian Ocean growing to fhells, many ol
them together.
36. Corallina Peniculum. Mop Coralline. t ab. 7.
1 ' Fro.5 —8
Corallinaßipite ßmplici
membranaeeo rugulojo,ramis
fdfçiculatis faßigiätis
dichotomis articulatis.
T ab. 7. F ig. 5
Coralline with a fingle membranaceous
I AB.25.
Fig. I.
wrinkled ftem, on
the top of which is a tuft of
jointed dichotomous branches.
— 8. T ab. 25. F ig. i .
This is the moft Angular of all this genus, and differs
from the reft by the regular wrinkles of the ftem, which
is fmall at the bafe, and grows wider as it rifes, till it
fends forth its branches at the top : from the bafe it fends
forth branched tubes, like the Sertularias, by which it adheres
: thefe tubes do not leflen as they extend, but have
an equal diameter their whole length. When the branches
at the top are magnified, their calcareous cruft full of
pores may be diftinguifiied, which brings it to this
This is found in the American feas, many growing together,
particularly near the Bahama iflands.
I fhould in this place have taken notice of the Coral- Tab. 7.
lina terreftris, mentioned by Linnseus, Syft. Nat. p. 13.06.I0> 9
from other authors; but as I found it only a defective
fpecimen of fome one of the trichotomous Corallines already
defcribed, I muft refer the reader to a full account,
which I have already given of it in the Philofophical
Tranfa&ions, Vol. 57. pag. 415. wherein the abfurdity