This moll delicate white tender Coralline is often found
growing- on Ihells, and often climbing up other Corallines.
The ends of fome o f the branches turn into little
radicles, as if it were going to climb up other fubllances,
as is expreffed at fig! B. Effay on Corallines. The ovaries
are moll exactly reprefented through the microfcope;
thofe that are unexpanded are in the younger Hate, and
in this form I have now whole branches moll beautifully
adorned with regular rows of them ; thofe with the points
flicking out appear to be in this Itate, when they have
difcharged their fpawn. This objedt affords great entertainment
in the folar microfcope, from the beautiful
bloffom-like appearance of its ovaries, before they are expanded,
where they look like fo many double flowers.
8. Sertularia pumila. Sea-Oak Coralline.
Sertxil&Ti&denticulisop- This Coralline has oppofite
pofitis mucronatis recur- denticles pointed and bent
vat is, ovariis fubrotundis. back; the ovaries are roundilh.
Sea-Oak Coralline. Ellis Phil. Tranf. Vol. 48. tab. 23.
fig. 6. F. F. and Vol. 57. tab. 19. fig. 11. Corallin. pag.
9. tab. s . No. 8. fig. a. A.
Sertularia pumila, Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1306.
This is met with on feveral fpecies of fucus, but of-
tener on the Fucus ferratus, or Sea-Oak with ferrated
leaves; and, as it is often found on the Ihore on the going
out of the tide, adhering to the broad leaves of that
large remarkable Fucus, it affords us the more frequent
opportunities of feeing this animal alive, extending its
claws, provided it is immediately, while moift, put into
fome clean fearwater. In this ilate it may be kept for
fome days by renewing the water; we may then cut off
fmall pieces, and put them in a watch-glafs full of fea-water,
and in a little time they may be examined in the aquatic
microfcope. See the figure in the Phil-. Tranf. Vol. 48.
tab. 23. fig. b. F. F. where it is moll exadtly reprefented,
as it appeared alive. This to perfons not acquainted with
the nature of Zoophytes will appear a moll furprizing as
well as a moll agreeable fcene of entertainment, as I have
frequently experienced with perfons, who have accompanied
me to the fea fide: the properell and moll portable
microfcope for this purpofe I have given a very good figure
of in my Effay on Corallines.
Bottle-brujh Coralline.
This Coralline has two rows
of denticles, clofely adhering
alternately to both fides of the
branches. The ovaries are
oval, with a margin or rim
about their openings. The
Hem is waved and very llif f :
on the upper,-part is a tuft oF
dichotomous little branches,
which grow fmaller. at the
9. Sertularia Thuja.
Sertularia denticulis di-
Jlichis alternis apprejfis,
ovariis ovatis marginatis-,
caule angulato rigido paniculate,
ramulis creberrimis
dichotomis attenuatis.
Sibbald Scot. Ulullr. tab. 12.
Bottle-brujh Coralline.. Ellis Corallin. tab. 5..
No. 9. fig. b. B. and in the frontifpiece.
Sertularia‘Thuja, Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1308.