lullsfubglobojis mucronatis rough, and compofed of fharp-
compojita. pointed roundifh cells.
Porous Efchara. Ellis Corallin. pag. 75. tab. 27.
fig. f. F.
This Millepore is often Found incrufting many of the
Sertularias in fmall irregular maffes; when they are
thrown on fhore, the points of their cells are worn
I have lately received a fpecimen from Aberdeen, with
compleat cells, that feems to be of this fpecies. It has
fmall cylindrical branches, each about hall an inch long;
the.cells are placed round about in an alternate order ;
they are Ihaped like a helmet or head-piece juft opening,
with a hole in the middle ; the under part is pointed, and
projects like the lower part of a bird’s beak ; and at the
bottom of each of the cells is a hole, which feems to belong
to one of the cells that is covered by the laft feries.
1 1. Millepora tubulofa. . "Tubular Millepore.
lM.i\\zpora.parafitica,cel- This parafitical Millepore-
lulls tubuliformibus has fmall tubular cells dif-
hus tranfvcrfe difpofetis. pofed in rows acrofs, .
Small Purple Efchara, Ellis Corallin. pag. 74. tab. 27.
fig. e. E„
This little purplifh Millepore is frequently found creeping
up the Sickle Coralline (Sertularia falcata) which it
adheres to, and furrounds with many united rows of little
parallel tubes. Thefe rows are frequently feparated into
narrow divifions, which bend a little back, and appear
like fo many fmall combs. Thefe maffes are found about
half an inch, feldom above three quarters of an inch diameter.
meter. They are found in the Mediterranean 'Sea, as
well as on our coafts.
12. Millepora rubra. L ittle Red Millepore.
Millepora minima fub- This very fmall Red Millelobata
rubra, poris ere- pore branches into little lobes,
bris minutis punElata. and is full of fmall pores.
Madrepora minima fubverrucofa rubra. Brown Hift.
Jam. pag. 391.
This beautiful little Coral is the fmalleft of the tribe,
being feldom above one quarter of an inch high ; the
whole furface, when magnified, is full of minute white
blind pores ; but on the tops of the lobes we may obferve
feveral fmall holes, fcattered here and there, that are fur-
rounded by a margin; thefe are properly the little cells.
It has a broad bafe by which it adheres to fhells, corals,
and rocks, and is found not only in the Weft Indies, but
in the Mediterranean Sea and the Eaft Indies.
13. Millepora verrucaria. Wart-like Millepore.
Millepora limbo conca-
vo tenui explanato fub-
Jlriato, dlfco convexo tu-
bulis confertis radiato.
Madrepora verrucaria.
This Millepore has a round,
thin, ftriated, concave bafe,
with a convex difk full of little
tubes difpofed like rays.
Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12.
pag.' 1272.
This very little Millepore is deferibed by fome authors
as a Madrepore, and reckoned as a variety of the Madre-
pofa verrucaria ; but the appearance of the tubular pores
will convince the curious obferver, that it is a Millepore ;
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