T ab.!
T ab.2
Fig. i
vexiufculis cuneiformilus: roundly compreflecf, and
lateribus angulatis; ulti- wedge-fhaped; the lides an-
tnisJublobatis: lobis parvis gular; the joints at the ends
obtufis. are fomething like fmall obtufe
This Coralline is much larger than the Coralline of
the fhops, being four times as big*
It was found in the Mediterranean Sea.
1]' 20. Corallina palmata. Palmated Coralline.
Corallina trichotoma, Trichotomous Coralline with
articulis compreffis con- roundifh-comprefled, wedge-
vexiufculis cuneifortnibus, fhaped joints, having the ap-
apice fubcorniculatis, arti- | pearance of horns on the tops;
culis ultimis latis, lobis di- the upper joints are broad
gitiformibus infiruSis. and furnifhed with fhort finger
like lobes.
T ab. 2 i. F ig, a. A.
This was found in the American feas, and is of a glofiy
white color.
!• 2i. Corallina officinalis.
Corallina trichotoma,
articulis ßirpium fubcom-
preffis fubcuneiformibus,
ramulorum cylindricis;
terminalibus nonnullis ca-
T ab. 23.
Coralline o f the Shops.
Trichotomous Corallinewith
the joints of the ftem a little
comprefled, and not unlike a
wedge ; thofe of the branches
are cylindrical, and thofe of
the ends often terminating in
little knobs.
F ig . 14. i 5.
Coralline of the Shops. Ellis Corallin. pag. 48. tab. 24.
No. 2. fig. a. A. A 1. A 2. B. B 1. B2.
Corallina officinalis. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1304.
This Coralline is particularly defcribed in my Eflay on
Corallines, and the figure reprefented highly magnified,
both with the calcareous fubftance taken off by vinegar,
and before it was immerfed, to fhew its pores. A difl'ec-
tion o f it is likewife magnified at fig. 15. in tab. 23; to
fhew how near the internal conftrudiion o f its cells agrees
with thofe of the Millepora lichenoides.
It is found on the fea-coaft of thefe kingdoms, and varies
in its color ; it is found red, greenifh, yellowifh, and
22. Corallina elongata. TrailingO; Coralline.
Corallina trichotoma,
cuneiformibus; ramorum
cylindricis; fummis obtu-
feufculis; nonnullis capita-
Trichotomous Coralline with
the joints of the ftem of a
roundifh wedge-fhape : of the
branches of acylindrical fhape:
o f the tops a little blunt, and
knobs on fome of them.
Slender trailing Engliffi Coralline. Ellis Corallin. p. 40.
tah. 24. fig . 3.
This Coralline was found on the coaft of Cornwall, and
is remarkably ftenderer, longer, and fmaller than the officinal
Coralline, and of a reddifh or purplifh color.
23. Corallina fubulata.
Corallina trichotoma,,
articulis ßirpium ancipit i-
Coralline with pointed branches. T ab.2i.
, . , . . Fig* b.
This. CoraJ line is trichoto-B.
maus ; the joints of the ftem