of an oval form with fquare
tides, the angles end in points
at the corners on the top ; in
the middle of each is a little
tubulous opening.
T ab. 6. F ig. b. B.
ITAB. 7. 2 I . Sertularia Pennatula.
F ig .i .2.
Sertularia Jimplex pin-
nata, pinnis incurvis articulatie,
denticulis Jecun-
dis campanulatis corniculo
truncato fuffultis, margi-
nibus crenatis fpinis duo-
bus oppojitis inJlruEHs, ova-
r iis --------
Sea-Pen Coralline.
This Coralline has a tingle
pennated ftem ; the pinna: or
fide fmall branches are jointed
and curvated; the denticles
are ranged on one tide, each
fupported by a little horn-like
tu b e ; they have a crenated
margin, with a little fpine on
each tide, oppofite to each
other; the ovaries are not
T ab. 7. F ig. i . 2.
This Coralline is as remarkable for the elegance of its
form, as its likenefs to the feather of a pen. It is of a
yellowifh-brown color, about five or fix inches high.
There are many of them rife together from the fame adhering
tubes, with ftiff jointed Items. The little crooked
tubes that fupport the denticles are longer in this fpecies
than in any of the like kind, being twice as long as the
It is not uncommon among the illands in the Eaft
32. Sertularia Filicula.
Sertularia ramojijftma
pinnata, Jlirpe jlexuofa,
ramulis ex angulis alter'nis.,
denticulis ovato tubulojis ;
Jingulo ad axillam arreElo ;
ovariis obverfe ovatis apice
T a b . ,6.
Fern Coralline. F ig . c.
This Coralline is very much
branched and pinnated ; the
Item is bent to and fro into
alternate angles; the little
branches are produced from
the angular points ; thefe are
furnifhed with oppofite oval-
tubulated denticles : in each
axilla, or part where the little
branches come out, is an erect
tingle denticle.
T ab. 6. F ig. c. C.
This is one of the moll delicate fpecies of our Englilh
Veficular Corallines. It has been taken by fome authors
and colledtors o f thefe fubftances, for a lefler fpecies of
the Sertularia abietina, or Sea-Fir : but the Angularity
o f its waved ftem, with its eredt tingle denticle at the in-
fertion of the branches, together with the tingle pair of
denticles on each part of the ftem, that form the angles,
make it a very diftindt fpecies from any of this genus. It
is commonly found upon the coaft of Scarborough, in
33. Sertularia quadriden-
Sertularia Jimplex arti-
culata repens, denticulis
quaternis oppojitis ventri-,
cojis, articulis Jubturbina-
Four-toothed Coralline. T a b . 5.
F ig . g . o
This .creeping Coralline
fends forth tingle Hems, that
are jointed ; the joints have
generally four denticles of the
I tis