4. Spongia criftata. Cock s^Comb Sponge.
Spongia plana coin-
preffa ereSla mollis, ports
pro'minuHs fuperne Jeria-
tim difpofetis.
This Sponge is flat, eredt,
and tender, growing in the
fhape 'of cocks-eombs, with
rows of little holes along the
tops, which projedt a little.
Cock's-Gonib Sponge. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 55. pag. 288.
tab. 11. fig. Q.
This Sponge grows on the rocks to the eaftward of
Haftings, in Suflex, and may be eafily difcovered at low
water. The common fize of it is about three inches
long, and two inches high; but this varies much in different
fpecimens. It is of a yellowilh color, and Was
found many together growing parallel to each other.
When it was taken out of the fea and put into a glafs
vefiel of fea-water, I perceived it to fuck in and fquirt
out the water through the rows of holes Or little mouths
along the tops, giving evident figns of life.
5. Spongia ftupofa. Tow Sponge.
Spongia ramofa teres Sponge with round branches,
Jlupofa atqwe villofa. foft like tow, and covered with
fine pointed hairs.
Downy branched Dnglijh Sponge. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 55.
pag. 288. tab. ro. fig. -C.
This little Sponge is o f a pale yellow color, and about
three inches high. It was found thrown on the fhore at
Haftings, in Suflex.
6. Spongia
6. Spongia dichotoma. Dichotomous Sponge.
Spongia ramofa tenax,
ramis dichotomis ereElis
teretibus fukerofs fubvil-
Stiff, branched Sponge, with
round,upright,elaftic branches,
covered with minute hairs.
Dichotomous branched Sponge.
Phil. Tranf. Vol. 55.
pag. 289. tab. 11. fig. I.
Spongia diehotoma. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1299.
This was found on the coaft of Norway, and grows to
five or fix inches high ; it is of a pale yellow color, and
full of very minute pores.
7. Spongia urens. Stinging Sponge.
Spongia multiformispo-. This Sponge is of many
rofa, fpinulis intertexta, forms, full of pores, very brit-
tenerrima mollis. ■ tie and foft, and interwoven
with the minuteft fpines.
Sponge like Crumb of Bread. Ellis Corallin. pag. 80.
tab. ib. fig. d. d i . D i . Phil. Tranf. Vol. 55. pag. 288.
tab. 10. fig. A.
Spongia tomentofa. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1299.
The fpecimens, which I have met with of this Sponge,
are full of papillae, or fmall protuberances, with ahole'in
each, from whence they fuck in and throw out the water,
as through fo many mouths. It is very common on
the Britilh coaft, and is frequently found furrounding
fucus’ s. It is alfo found on the coaft of Africa, and in
the Eaft Indies. When it is frefh taken out of the fea, it
is of a bright orange color, and full of gelatinous flefh ;
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