23. Sertularia repens.
Sertularia denticulis cy-
lindricis oblique truncatis
alternis, pedunculis con-
tortis denticulis breviori-
bus, ovariis — ■
Ellis Corallin.
Sertularia Syringa.
24. Sertularia rugofa.
Sertularia denticulis alternis
rugofis, ramis vagis,
ovariis rugofjfmis
Snail-trefoil Coralline.
15. No. 23. fig. a. A.
Creeping Coralline.
This Coralline has alternate
cylindrical denticles, opening
obliquely ; with twilled ftalks,
Ihorter than the denticles ;
the ovaries are unknown.
Snail-trefoil Coralline.
This Coralline has alternate
wrinkled denticles and irregular
branches; the ovaries are
very much furrowed, and have
three eredt points at the opening
of each.
Ellis Corallin. pag. 26. tab.
p. 1308..
pag. 25. tab. 14. fig. b. B.
Linn. Syll. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1311 .
Sertularia rugofa. Linn. Syfl. Nat. Ed. 12;
Thefe Corallines grow upon others on the Britifh coall.
25. Sertularia lendigera.
Sertularia articulata
fubdichotoma implex a, denticulis
cylindricis fecundis
parallelis ad genicula mi-
noribus, ovariis--------
N it Coralline.
This Coralline is jointed ;
the branches are fubdivided
and irregularly interwoven ;
they have cylindrical parallel
denticles coming out on one
fide, and growing lefs at the
joints; the ovaries are unknown.
N it
N it Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 27. tab. 15. No. 24.
fig . b. B.
Sertularia lendigera. Linn. Syll. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1 311 •
26. Sertularia Uva.
Sertularia fubramofa,
denticulis obfoletis, ovariis
ovatis racemofis.
Grape Coralline.
This Coralline has but few
branches ; the denticles are
fcarce to be diftinguilhed ; the
ovaries are oval, growing in
Ellis Corallin.Grape Coralline. pag. 27. tab. i 5-
No. 25. fig. c. C. D.
Sertularia Uva. Linn. Syll. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1311.
Thefe two laft are parafite Corallines, growing on Fu-
cus’ s and other Corallines, on the Britilh coall.
27. Sertularia Cufcuta. Dodder-like Coralline.
Sertularia denticulis obfoletis,
ovariis ovatis ax-
illaribus, ramis oppofitis
There is no appearance of
denticles on this Coralline;
the ovaries are oval, and placed
at the infide of the infertion
of the branches; the branches
are fingle and oppofite..
Climbinr Dodder-like Coralline. Ellis Corallin. p. 28. o -
tab. 14. No. 26. ng. c. C.
Sertularia Cufcuta. Linn. Syfl. Nat. Ed. 12. p. I 31 1 .
This was fent me among other fea productions from
the well coall of England, adhering to and creeping up
the Fucus filiquofus.
28. Sertularia