but when it has lain for fome time dry on the fhore, it
becomes whitilh and very light, and has' the appearance,
when it is broke, of the crumb dr foft part of bread.
I f it is examined with a common magnified glafs, We
find it compofed of an infinite number of minute fpines,
which if rubbed on the flefh will raife blifters like cow-
itch. It is remarked, that i f it is dried in an oven this
peculiar property of flinging is much increafed, efpecially
that variety of it which is found on-the fea coaft of North
8. Spongia Ventilabrum. Fan Sponge.
Spongia flabelliformis This Sponge is fhaped like
fupofa, vents lignofis re- a fan, of a tow-like fubftance,
ticulatis, obteBis ports with woody reticulated veins,
favigineis. which are covered with pores
like a honeycomb.
Sea-Fan Sponge. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 55. pag. 289.
tab. 11. fig. H.
Spongia Ventilabra. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1296.
The fize of the fpecimen, which I received from Stavanger
on the coaft of Norway, is but fix inches high
and five broad; but there are much larger found on that
coaft. It has the exadt refemblance of a fmall Fan Gor-
gonia, only the pores are of angular Ihapes, and of a
fpongy nature; fo that, as Dr. Linnasus remarks, it looks
like a Gorgonia covered with a Sponge.
•58- g. Spongia tubulofa.
Spongia tubulofa ra-
mofa tenax, tubulis fe -
Pipy Sponge.
This Sponge is full of tubes;
it is branched and elaftic j
cundis arreBis, apicibus the tubes come out on one fide
attenuatis. of the ftem ; they are eredf,
and grow flender at the tops.
T ab. 58. F ig. 7.
Spongia tubulofa. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p; 1297.
This Sponge grows from four to fix inches high ; it is
hollow through the whole infide. The reticulations on
the furface are firm and elaftic ; it is of a deep yellow color,
inclining to an orange. It was brought from Batavia
by William Webber, Efq. F. R. S.
10. Spongia palmata.
Spongia palmata : di-
gitis apice fubdivifes, ports
prominulis inordinate
Palmated Sponge. Tab.jS.
. I T F ig. 6.
This Sponge is like a hand
with fingers, which are a little
divided at the top ; the
mouths are a little prominent,
and irregularly difpofed on the
T ab. 58. F ig. 6.
This Sponge was found on the fea beach at Brighthelm-
ftone, in Sufiex. It is of a reddilh color inclining to yellow,
and of the fame foft woolly texture with the common
Englifh Branched Sponge, or Spongia oculata.
11. Spongia proliféra. Proliferous Sponge'. T ab.58.
r 0 r F to. 5.
Spongia multoties ra- This Sponge grows feveral
mofo-palmata : digitis di- times branched, one above an-
JtinBis. other, in the form of hands,
ending in diftindt fingers.
I received