I ill
Others I have met with that have grown loofely and unconnected
into complicated maffes of a femi-tranfparent
pale yellow color; the ovaries,- as in the other, were
wrinkled tranfverfely.
4. Sertularia argentea. Squirrel's-tail Coralline.
Sertularizdenticulisfub- This Coralline has nearly
oppofit is mucronatis, ova- oppolite and ftiarp-pointed
riis ovalibus, ramis al- denticles, oval ovaries, and al-
ternis paniculatis. ternate tufted branches.
Squirrel's Tail. Ellis Corallin. pag. 6. tab. 2. No. 4.
Sertularia argentea. Linn. Syft, Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1308,
5. Sertularia cupreffina.
This has nearly oppolite and
oppofetis oblique truncatis,
oblique blunt denticles, with
ramis paniculatis fp a rfs
long loofe branches in panicles.
longioribus, ovariis ob'ova-
The ovaries are nearly
Sea-Cyprefs. Ellis Corallin. pag. 7. tab. 3. No. 5.
fig. a. A.
Sertularia cupreffina. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1308.
1 hefe two laft Corallines, though fuppofed by Linnaeus
to be the fame, when they come to be compared,
have quite a diffèrent habit and manner o f growing.
The latter, or Sea-Cyprefs, is always found in very deep
water, and the fide branches often as long again as the
Squirrel’s Tail, befides the difference of their denticles
and ovaries. I have feen, indeed, varieties of the Squirrel
s-tail Coralline, but they are eafily known. We find
this is the commoneft of all the Veficular Corallines round
the coaft of thefe kingdoms, efpecially at the Ifle of Shep-
pey ; but the Sea-Cyprefs is chiefly found in deep water
on the coaft of Yorkftiire, Scotland, and the north of
Ireland, and not to be had in fuch plenty.
6. Sertularia operculata. Sea-Hair Coralline
Sertularia denticulis op- This Coralline has pointed
pofttis fubereElis.,, ovariis denticles, which are oppolite;
obovatis operculatis, ra- the points bend upwards. The
mis alternis. ovaries are egg-fhaped, and
have a cover to each. The
branches are alternate. *
Sea-Hair. Ellis Corallin. pag. 8. tab. 3. No. 6.
fig. b. B.
Sertularia operculata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1307.
There are befides the two larger points to each denticle,
two little briftles on each fide of each denticle, which
may be feen in the microfcope by a fide view. This was
omitted in the figure, as not being placed in a- fide view,
for the painter when it was drawn.
7. Sertularia rofacea. Lily flowering Coralline:
Sertularia denticulis op-
This Coralline has oppolite
pofltis tubulofis truncatis,
tubulous truncated denticles,
ramis alternis, ovariis co-
alternate branches, and ovaries
crowned with little fpines.
Pomgranate flowering Coralline. Ellis Phil. Tranf.
Vol. 48. tab. 23. fig. 5.
Lily or Pomgranate flowering Coralline. Ellis Corallin.
pag. 8. tab. 4.
Sertularia rofacea. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1306.