out of the continuation of thefe radical parts : from this
Item fo formed proceed their branches, furnilhed with denticles
and polype-like heads, as we may obferve in Phil.
Tranf. Vol. 47. tab. 17. fig. G. where there is a magnified
reprefentation o f the Sertularia halecina, or Herringbone
Coralline, drawn as it was alive in fea-water.
Sea-Tamarijk Coralline.
This has alternate branches
and oppofite tubulous denticles,
waved at top. The ovaries
are of an oval form, cut off
at the top, with two fmall
points at the corners, together
with a little tube for a mouth
to each.
1. Sertularia tamarifca.
Sertularia alternatim
ramofa, dentieulis oppofi-
tis tubulofs crenatis, ova-
riis ovato-truncatis bi-
denticulatis, ore tubulofo.
Sea-Tamarijk. Ellis Corallin. pag. 4. tab. 1. No. 1
fig. a. A.
Sertularia tamarifca. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1307.
Phis is the largeft kind of Sertularia, and but rarely
found on thefe coafts. I have received it lately from Dr.
David Skene, of Aberdeen. The figure was taken from
one found in Ireland ; where in the winter feafon they are
full of vehicles, one inferred at the bottom o f each pair
of denticles. The ovaries of thofe from Scotland had no
points ; but this might be owing to their being young.
2. Sertularia' abietina. Sea-Fir Coralline.
Sertularia alternatim The Sea-Fir Coralline is al-
pinnata, dentieulis fubop- ternately pinnated with dentipoftis
pojitis ovato-tubulojisyova- cles placed almoft oppofite, of
riis ovalibus. an oval tubulous fhape. Their
ovaries are of an oval form.
Sea-Fir. Ellis Corallin. pag. 4. tab. 1. No. 2. fig.
b. B.
Sertularia abietina. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1307.
This elegant Coralline is frequently found on our coaft,
adhering by its vermicular tubes to moft kind of fhells :
it grows very eredt, and is frequently infefted with little
minute fhells called Serpulas. The fide branches are often
pinnated. In the winter the ovaries are in fuch abundance
as almoft to cover the denticles, but placed in a
very regular order. In this ftate I have received them from
Brighthelmftone, in Suffex.
3. Sertularia polyzonias.
Sertularia fparfe ramofa
, dentieulis ovatis alter-
nis, ovariis obovatis tranf-
verfe rugofs.
Great Tooth Coralline.
This Coralline is loofely
branched, having alternate
denticles; the ovaries are
nearly egg-fhaped and wrinkled
Great Tooth Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 5. tab. 2.
No. 3. fig. a. b. A. B,
• Sertularia polyzonias. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1312.
We find this Coralline often growing eredf, and fending
out loofe fpreading branches. A variety is found
climbing up other Corallines. I received fome fpecimens
from the Ifte of Wight, where there were many young
ones climbing up the firft ftem by radical tubes, and
forming a firm ftrong trunck with long alternate branches;
thefe fpecimens were about three or four inches high.
, Others