This elegant little Coralline is about one inch to an inch
and a half long, and is moll commonly of a red color,
fometimes green, and often white. It is eafily known by
being difpofed into creft-like tufts ; it differs from the
following, by having ffiorter points at the ends of the
branches, and growing much thicker together. It is
found in great quantities about Weymouth and Penzance
in the weft of England, and generally adheres-to fucus’s.
I am inclined to think, notwithftanding this difference,
there is a great affinity between this, the corniculata, and
the fpermophoros.
27. Corallina fpermophoros.
Corallina dichotoma ca-
pillaris, articulis fubtere-
tibus, divifuris penultimis
et ultimis ovariferis, cor-
niculis terminalibus feta-
Seed-bearing Coralline.
Dichotomous hair-like Coralline,
with roundiffi joints,
bearing ovaries at the laft and
laft but one divifion, and ending
at the top with long
Seed-bearing Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 51. tab. 24.
No. 8. fig. g. G.
This Coralline is very flender, and feldom above one
inch long; it is generally found of a milk-white color,
and never in the crefted form with the foregoing, but
more loofe and fpread. It adheres to fucus’s, and grows
in plenty near Penzance, in Cornwall.
In my Effay on Corallines, tab. 24. No. 9. fig. h. H.
H i . is a very fmall Coralline, which is milk-white, and
I fuppofe is the beginning of the C. fpermophoros.
28. Corallina
28. Corallina rubens.
Corallina dichotoma fi-
liformis, articulis fiirpium
teretibus; dichotomies cla-
viformibus ; inferioribus
nonnullis bicornibus.
Red Thread Coralline.
Dichotomous thread-like
Coralline, with the joints of
the ftem round, of the divi-
fions nail-fhaped, and fome of
the lower joints have two little
Reddijh Hair-like Coralline. Ellis Corallin. pag. 50.
tab. 24. No. 5. fig. e. E.
Corallina rubens. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 1304.
This differs from the three foregoing Corallines in being
much longer, and lefs fubdivided at top. It is generally
found two inches long, and of a red color, and is
very common on the coaft of Cornwall. There is a great
affinity between this and the three preceding Corallines.
I have introduced them here diftindl, becaufe their appearance
is fo.
The three laft are' the Corallines that Dr. Job Bafter,
in the Philofophical Tranfadtions, Vol. 52. pag. m .
and 112. infills on it are true Confervas.
2o. Corallina fragiliffima. Brittle Coralline. Tab.21.
' 6 . Fig. d.
Corallina dichotoma, ar- Dichotomous Coralline with
ticulis cylindricis cequali- fmooth, even, cylindrical
bus icevibus, ramis ereElis. joints, and eredt branches.
T ab. 21. F ig. d.
Corallina fragilijjima. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1305. .
This is found in the Weft-Indian Ocean, and is much
larger and ftiffer than the four preceding fpecies. It is
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