At fig. 2. is a magnified part of the ftem of the Sertu-
laria, with fome of the wart-fhaped cells of the Alcyonium
upon it.
Animal fixum, flexile,
polymorphum, torpidiffimum,
contextum vel e fi-
bris reticulatis, vel e Jpi-
nulis, gelatina viva vefl-
titis ;
Ofculis fleu floraminibus
fluperficiei aquam reflpi-
Is an animal that is fixt,
flexible, and very torpid,
growing in a variety of forms,
compofed either of reticulated
fibres, or maffes of fmall fpines
interwoven together, which
are clothed with a living gelatinous
flefh full of fmall
mouths or holes on its furface,
by which it fucks in and
throws out the water.
As to the nature and formation of Sponges, I fhall refer
the reader to my letter on this fubjedt, addrefled to
Dodtor Solander, publifhed in the Philofophical Tranfac-
tions, Vol. 55. p. 28®. I fhall only adfl, that the texture
of them is very different in' different fpecies; fome
being compofed wholly of interwoven reticulated fibres,
when others are compofed of little mafles of ftrait fibres
of different fizes, from the moil minute fpiculae to ftrong
elaftic firming fpines-, like fmall needles of one-third of
an inch long.; befides thefe, there is an intermediate fort
between the reticulated and the finer fafciculated kinds,
which feem to partake of both forts.
But I muff obferve here, that thofe that are compofed
o f the ftronger and larger bundles of elaftic fibres, like
needles, though they have been reckoned Alcyoniufns by
moft authors, yet in my opinion it appears, from the accurate
defcriptions given us of thefe bodies, both by Count
Marfigli and Dr. Donati, who had feen and examined
them alive in fea-water, and who could never difcover
any polype fuckers extending out of their pores, that they
fhould not be reckoned among the Alcyoniums ; for thefe
polype fuckers are the diftinguifhing character of that
genus, as much as the pores without the polypes in thefe
elaftic fibrous bodies, is the character of the Sponges.
Thefe are the Alcyonium Lyncurium and Alcyonium Cy-
donium of Linn. Syft. pag. 1295. The Alcyonium Burfa
Linn, alfo appears from the defcription given of it by
Rondeletius to be one of the fame kind. This is faid by
Mr. Ray to be found on our coafts, but I have never yet
met with it. Count Marfigli calls it Aurantium Marine
m, and fays it appeared to have life in it, when he cut
a piece of it with his fciflars. That the furface was covered
with a great number of glands that tranfmitted the
water from the outfide to the infide, which was crofled
by a number of fine threads fhining like filver; but he
makes no mention of any polypes on the furface.
1. Spongia officinalis.
Spongia multiformis te-
nax porofffi-ma lobata foment
of a.
Common Sponge.
This Sponge is found in a
variety of forms; it is elaftic,
very full of holes ; it grows
into lobes, and is of a woolly
Common officinal Sponge. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 55. p. 288.
tab. 10. fig. D. E.
Spongia officinalis. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1298.