102 A N T I P A T H E S ,
T ab.19,
F i g . .11,
4.. Antipathesmyrio-
Antipathes incurva ra-
mofiffima prmiata, pinnu-
Ms hinc ramofis fetaceis.
T a b . 19.
Yarrow-like Antipathes.
This Antipathes is full of
pinnated branches that bend
downwards; thefe pinnated
branches have other little fpiny
branches on their upper fide..
Fig . i i . 12.
The form o f this Antipathes is very elegant, from the
bending of its many pinnated branches downwards all
■ round it, which gives it the appearance o f a fine fhady
little tree. The fpines .are but fhort in this, in proportion
to the laft. 1 he color is of a yellowifh brown.
It was brought from Batavia, and was collected near
the fpice iilands.
5- Antipathes alopecu-
roides. Foxtail Antipathes..,
Antipathes ramofa, ra- This branched Antipathes
mis arEle panictilatis hi- has its young branches, which
fpidis fetaceis, are full of fpines and fmall
prickles, difpofed in clofe panicles.
The trunk of this Antipathes rifes from a broad fpread
bafe, and divides immediately into feveral large branches
o f one-third of an inch diameter ; as thefe rife up, one
fide of them appears flat, with a groove or channel along
the middle of it, where there are the remains of many little
branches that have grown in rows on each fide of it.
It then divides into branches, and often into other
branches, all which are in form of clofe panicles, not unlike
A N T T P A T H E S.
like the foxtail-grafs. Thefe panicles are compofed of
very rough thorny minute branches, which are twice
as long on one fide of the Item as the other. The out-
iide of this Antipathes is of greyilb color; the infide is
black and very brittle. It is near two feet high.
This was brought from South-Carolina,. and prefented-
to Corbyn Morris, Efq. F. R. S. and has not before been*
6. Antipathes Cupreflus.
Antipathes Jimplexfca-
bra paniculata, ramis re-
Cyprefs Antipathes.
This Antipathes grows in
the form of a fingle panicle,
full of minute prickles, with’
the little branches bending up-
Gorgonia Abies. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 129©.
Dr. Linnams has clafled this elegant fea production under
his genus of Gorgonias, to which it is very nearly allied
; but the flefli of this tribe is fo remarkably gelatinous,
and the whole bone, or hard part, is fo covered
with fpines, which even are to be diftinguiflied in the interior
laminte, that there is fufficient reafon for making it
of another genus.
There is a moll elegant fpecimen of this in the Britifli
Mufeum, and very good figures of it in Rumphius and
Seba. It grows in the Eaft-Indian ocean among the fpice