moft accurately drawn at the fea fide at Brighthelmftone,
by my late worthy friend Mr. G. D. Ehret.
15. Sertularia halecina. Herring-bone Coralline.
Sertularia ramofa fin - This Coralline is alternately
nata, ramulis alternis, branched and pinnated ; the
denticulis tubiformibus bi- denticles are formed like tubes.
■ articulatis, ovariis ovali- with two joints : the ovaries
bus, pedunculis lateraliter are oval, each united along
coadunatis. the. fide to a little tubular
Herring-bone Coralline. Ellis Phil. Tranf. Vol. 48.
tab. 17. fig. E. F. G. Corallin. pag. 17. tab. 10.
Sertularia halecina. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. pag. 13,08.
This Coralline is particularly defcribed in myEffay on
Corallines, and likewife in the Philofophical Tran factions,,
Vol. 48. tab. 17. in both which places it is reprefented
as it is alive in the fea.
16. Sertularia pinnata.
Sertularia jimplex pinnata
et articulata, pinnis
alternis artuatis, denticulis
femicampanulatis fecundis,
ovariis ovatis confertis ore
Jointed Sea-brijlle Coralline'.
This Coralline has a fingle
pinnated item; the little
branches are placed alternately,
and expand themfelves
like an arch on each fide : the
denticles are on one fide, and
half bell-fhaped : the ovaries
are oval, coming out in cluf-
ters along the Hem; their
openings look like little
Sea Brijlles. Ellis Corallin. pag. 19. tab. 11. No. 16.
fig. a. A.
Sertularia pinnata. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1312.
This Coralline differs very much from the fetacea, or
fmall briftle : it is three inches high, twice as big every
way as the other ; and differs not only in being jointed,
but the denticles are half bell-fhaped, and much nearer
together befides, the ovaries are in clufters all along the
upper fide of the ftern, and when the young ones are
ready to come out, the tops of the ovaries are divided
like a coronet. This defcription is taken from a very
good fpecimen, preferved in fpirits, with its polypes and
ovaries perfectly diftindt.
17. Sertularia fetacea.
Sertularia jimplex pinnata,,
pinnis alternis fub-
incurvatis, denticulis ob-
foletis remotijfimis fecundis,
ovariis pblongo-tubulatis
Little Sea-brijlle Coralline.
This Coralline has a fingle
pennated ftem 5 the pinnae, or
fmall fide branches, are alternate
and a little bent: the
denticles are but juft vifible ;
they are on the upper fide of
the little branches, and very
remote from each other: the
ovaries come out juft above the
infertionof the little branches,
and are of an oblong tubulous
Sertularia pinnata @>. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 1312.
.This little beautiful Coralline, which is about one inch
and an half high, is more frequently met with than the