E x p l a n a t i o n of the Pl a t e s .
T ab. i .
Fig. i . Adlinia fociata, pag. 5. 5.
A. one o f the heads expanding its claws.
B. a younger one proceeding from the end of
the tube.
Fig. 2. one of the animals differed longitudinally to
{hew the infide magnified.
Fig. 3. Adtinia Calendula, pag. 7. n. 10.
Fig. 4. A lc yon ium mammillofum, pag. 179. n. 5.
Fig.- 5. tw o cells o f the fame magnified and d iffe re d
long itud in ally to ih ew the polypes contracted.
Fig. 6. Alc yon ium ocellatum, pag. 180. n. 6.
Fig. 7. One of the Polypes of Alcyonium digitatum,
pag. 175. 71. 1. with its tentacula extended.
T ab. 2.
Fig. r. Gorgonia ceratophyta diverted of its flefh. This
affords an inftance of its bone growing over and
furrounding one of its former branches, and
afterwards covering, as at A. fome Tree Oy-
fters that have adhered to the firft branch.
Fig. 2. a quarter of a horizontal fedtion of it.
Fig. 3. the fame magnified, to fhew the different layers
of its growth.
Fig. 4. An old ftem of Gorgonia verticillata, with fcaly
layers, flaining and hard, like mother of pearl.
Fig- 5-
jg. 5. the top of it magnified.
Fig. 6. A piece of red Saunders (Lignum Santalum) from
the Eaft Indies.
Fig. 7. the fame magnified, to fliew the utricular vef-
fels interwoven with the longitudinal tubes.
Fig. 8. Fluftra foliacea, pag. 12. n. 2. a little magnified.
T ab. 3.
Fig. 1. Ifis Plippuris, pag. 105, n. 2.
A. the bone covered with the flefh, full of the
cells from whence the polypes are extended.
Fig. 2. a longitudinal fedtion magnified, {hewing the
bone furrounded by the flefh, and the polypes
contradted in their cells. -
Fig. 3. the flefh feparated from the bone, to fhew the
tubes with the holes in them, that fupply the
bony part with increafe.
Fig. 4. the crofs fedtion {hewing the white bone in the
center with the tubes furrounding it, and the
polypes in their cells on the margin : the intermediate
flefh is full of organical parts, that
ferve to receive nourifhment from the mouths,
as well as to give them the power of extending
their arms in fearch of it.
Fig. 5. one of the polypes contradted ; magnified.
Fig. 6. Fluftra carbafea, pag. 14. «.5.
Fig. 7. the fame magnified.
T ab. 4.
Fig. a. Fluftra verticillata, pag. 15. n . j .
Fig. A. . the fame highly magnified.
Fig. b. Fluftra bombycina, pag. 14. n. 6.
C c Fig. B.