knotted Sea-thread ; but differ remarkably in having their
echinated ovaries arife from the adhering tubes.
A ni mal natans, liberum,
multiforme,, ojjiculo
Pplypos tentaculis ra-
diatis oviparis a parte fu -
periori. exferens.
Bails nuda.
S E A - P E N
Is an animal that fwims;
freely about in the lea, o f
many fhapes, having a bone
in. the infi.de to fupport it.
It fends, forth from the upper
part of its Sera, polypelike
mouths furrounded byelaws
; through thefe. it produces
its eggs.
The lower part of the ftent
is bare..
This genus o f animals differs remarkably from all the
other Zoophytes b.y their fwimming freely about in the.:
fea, and many of them having a mulcular motion as they
fwirn along. I know of none of them that fix themfelves.
by their bafe, notwithftanding what has been wrote..
They have no opening at the bottom, as was formerly
thought, nor any other paffage but through their polype
mouths ; by thefe they take in their food, and through:
thefe they produce their eggs, as . in mod Zoophytes..
They have the remarkable property of fending forth a.
ffrong phofphor.eah light in the lea.
When w.e compare them to the other. Zoophytes,, they,
approach neareft to the Gorgonia, as having^ a bone in.
the infide like them, which is, covered with, flelh, and.
their, upper parts full of polype-like, mouths.
Nothing can be a ftronger proof that the Gorgonias are
Angle animals with many heads, than their near affinity
to the pen-lhaped animals of this genus.
i . Fennatula Britannica. The Britijh Sea-Pen.
Pennatula flirpe car- This Sea-Pen has a round
mfa tereti, rachi fleabra, fleffiy ftem ; the midrib be-
polypis tentaculatis or dine tween the fins rough, with.
fimptici. minute feales, and Angle rows
o f tentaculated fuckers on each
Pennatula phafphorea. Phil. Tranf. Vol. 53;. tab. 19.
fig. 1— 5. Linn. Syft. Nat. Ed. 12. p. 13.22.
I call, this the Britiffi Sea-Pen, to diltinguifh it from the
following, which I call the Italian Sea-Pen, and becaufe
it is found in great plenty flicking to the baits on the
filhermen’s lines, round the coafts of this kingdom efpe-
cially when they make ufe of mufcles to bait their hooks.
Great numbers have been taken on the coaft of Scotland,
efpecially near Aberdeen.
They are of a bright red color,, and have the property,,
with the reft, of finning in the dark, in a moll remarkable:
manner,, like, the: Italian Sea-Pen.
2. Pennatula Italien.
Italian Sea-Pen,
- Pennatula flirpe car-
This Sea-Pen' has a round:
noja teretij racin' patuld■
•ue-rrucosn.flpind- brevi
ad. bafin dor f t cujufque-
ffelhy Item; the midrib is
broad, and. full; of. warts:,, and
on the. back, of the fins,, at the
bafe, there is a. fiior-t fpine in,